CBSE Update: Good Governance & Education for Future Development Expression Series Contest

Meritnation|Dec 24th, 2014 03:23pm

CBSE announced to celebrate 25th December, 2014  in an effort to acknowledge renowned national leader Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya’s birthday and commemorate their contribution to academic and national development of our country

**MUST READ – Swachh Bharat campaign to be a part of CBSE ‘open text exam’

Students willing to participate will have write on what good governance means to them or ‘Education for Future Development’.

The circular issued by CBSE on December 22 states that since schools will be closed on account of Christmas vacation on these days, students willing to participate in the contest can submit their entries from home or any other place using online mode or through mobile phone.

Read Notice–  ‘Good Governance ’

Read Notice– ‘Education for Future Development’

At the end of the contest, 36 best entries in each category will be rewarded with a cash prize of Rs. 2,000 and a certificate of merit. Students from CBSE affiliated schools from Classes 1 to 12 can participate.


Categories – Read Here

Classes I-V (Word limit – 250 words)– According to me, the ideal country is ……..
Classes VI-VIII (Word limit-500 words)– ‘Good Governance’ to me actually means ……………
Classes IX-XII (Word limit-1000 words)– I would ensure ‘Good Governance’ if given an opportunity by …………..

**MUST READ – Get Your Sanskrit Grammar Pack


Last Date 

The essay may be submitted on 25th December, 2014 (from 9.00am to 5.00pm)



Participation is voluntary. Interested students of interested schools affiliated to CBSE may participate.

Open for the three categories: i) classes I-V ii) classes VI-VIII iii) classes IX-XII.

The format required for submission of entries through Mobile Phones is given as Annexure -1A.

Schools may be closed on the eve of Christmas holiday or for winter vacations, thus willing students may submit their entries from home either using online mode or through Mobile Phone.

36 best entries in each category will be rewarded with a cash prize of Rs.2000/-and a Certificate of Merit only after plagiarism check and interaction on the phone.

All participants with valid email IDs will be given online participation certificates

** MUST READ – Get Practice Questions on the Go


In case of any query, you may contact Joint Director at 011-23215130 or at 011-23212603/ 23234324/ 23220154.



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