CBSE Seeks Feedback of Parents on CCE

Meritnation|Sep 14th, 2016 01:41pm


CCE_feedbackThe Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) invites opinions of schools, parents and students on Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) system. A circular notifying the same has been put on the Board’s official website. The CBSE is anticipating that the feedback coming from the stakeholders will them to strengthen and reform the machinery of the CCE.

In the circular it mentions that the Board is “in the process of reforming and strengthening the CCE. We want to get feedback on the scheme of CCE from our stakeholders (teachers, students, parents, principals). The objectives of the study are to:  

1. Understand acceptance and adoption of CCE by stakeholders

2. Examine challenges in the implementation and continued use of CCE

3. Establish the support structures needed for teachers for using CCE. “

The CBSE requested all its stakeholders to provide honest feedback on the implementation of CCE.


Recommended Reads for Parents:


What Teens Need Most From Their Parents


Helping Your Child With Maths (For Parents of Primary Students)


Parents Guide to Decoding Adolescence


Helping Your Child In The Primary School



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