Countdown to Diwali- Pledge Towards a New Start

Meritnation|Oct 20th, 2014 01:12pm



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We all love the Diwali, yes we do! Diwali is the celebration heard from a distance, through the snap and crackle of firecrackers

It is the excitement of shoppers in frantic search of the perfect diyas to light their homes with.

It is the fragrance of honey-dripping mithais cooking on the stove? Or is it the feel perhaps, of a crisp, new garment they bought for the festival.

It also is the sound of people wishing each other with a genuine hope for prosperity to fill each other’s homes and hearts.

But the “Festival of Light” is fast becoming a festival of smoke, pollution & noise. A brilliant effort from some people from different sections of our society have come forward to remind us of what Diwali is really about.

A photo campaign that caught our attention , interestingly, takes on the “prestige” mentality of Indians when it comes to buying sweets and crackers. The notes read: “It’s October and your AC is still on!?” , “The Earth has enough problems already. Say no to Wasteful Diwali Packaging”, “Asthma attack, last year. Spare me this year.”. This campaign does not tell people not to have fun. It just pushes people to be aware of the impact of the fun you choose to have.



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India is a land of incredible contrasts, and what keeps it ticking, and ticking so well despite a wide range of peoples, is the basic appreciation and acknowledgment that people have for each other’s faiths and backgrounds. Right from elementary school, kids are taught to coexist with and respect others, especially those with different lifestyles and different faith systems.

We find churches, temples and synagogues in the same vicinity, both in rural and urban areas. As India fast moves toward claiming its place as a global superpower, it is this basic interfaith and intercultural cooperation that has proved to be a major driving force behind a manic country that is fast catching up with the economic progress of the West, all the while holding on to its ancient traditions.

And as the festival of lights draws nearer, These efforts to raise awareness towards healthier society and togetherness in festivities reminds us all what a festival means to us as a nation. Check out this video This will definitely make you ponder.

Happy Diwali

Team Meritnation


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  • 1. Anupam Sharma  |  October 21st, 2014 at 6:46 pm

    Oh!Yes Only 2 days to go for Diwali celebration


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