Happy Children’s Day- Congratulations! Gayatri

Meritnation|Nov 14th, 2013 01:15pm

Gayatri Ketharaman, a class 10 student of Bishop’s co-education school Pune , won this year’s Doodle 4 Google contest. Her winning doodle is the Children’s Day doodle on Google India’s homepage this November 14 ,2013. The theme for this year’s contest, held annually for Indian students was “celebrating Indian women”. 15 years old Gayatri Ketharaman, who made the winning doodle titled ‘Sky is the Limit for Indian women’, shows the theme of women empowerment molded around the Google Doodle.

In her doodle the first letter G in GOOGLE represents a classical dancer symbolizing the empowered woman in all her grace and femininity,while the second G shows a space rocket pointing to the fact that Indian women have even ventured into space.In place of two Os, the use of a one rupee coin and a symbol for home, represent how the Indian women is an efficient multi-tasker- taking care of work as well as home.

The winning doodle thus strives to depict the different attributes of an Indian woman from an academician, a mother, a professional and a creator of life.

The Doodle4Google contest was held all over India this year, across three age groups. The participants were categorized under 3 groups which are:

  • Group 1: Class 1-3
  • Group 2: Class 4-6
  • Group 3: Class 7-10




Along with the national winner, three students from each of the categories were also awarded. The winners of these categories are:
Class 1-3 – Madhuram Vatsal from Lucknow

Class 4-6- Binita Biswajeeta from Odisha with her doodle ‘Women are future, empower them better’ and

Class 7-10 Akash Shetty from Bangalore with doodle titled ‘Indian women leading our country’

Google often features doodles on its homepage to mark important moments like a holiday or an historical event. It also often pays tribute to scientists, inventors and other notable persons on its homepage through dedicated doodles.

To Know More: CLICK HERE

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Add Comment Total Comments (4)

  • 1. Abhishek Yadav  |  October 14th, 2014 at 3:35 pm

    its awesum 😉

  • 2. suzi  |  February 27th, 2014 at 10:02 pm

    nice 😉

  • 3. ifaza  |  November 18th, 2013 at 8:23 am

    it is real is awesome

  • 4. sanjana  |  November 14th, 2013 at 4:03 pm

    thiz rticle iz osum


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