Happy Earth Day! 5 Reasons You Should Help Save The Environment

Meritnation|Apr 22nd, 2014 12:01pm

“That was the remarkable thing about Earth Day. It organized itself.”―Gaylord Nelson, founding father of Earth Day.

It’s Earth Day and our planet is at a turning point. Imagine a world without trees. What if the rain forests, and all of the exotic plants and colorful animals that call it home, suddenly did not exist? In 1970, Gaylord Nelson decided something needed to be done to protect the environment. The work that he began led to what we now know as Earth Day.


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If you thought that the global warming, melting of the glaciers, lessening of trees and extinction of animals was all happening just because you are doing nothing to save the environment… you are probably right. Well, not just you, us all. But however small you may be in the world, you are a crucial part of the huge chain of humans across the earth, who are responsible for how the earth and our environment behaves with us.

For the same reason,this World Earth Day -2014, we have prepared a list of reasons specially so that you know why the earth needs care. You’re wondering how your actions would play any role in saving our huge planet? Well, read on and know more

1. Because we need the environment to sustain.
Ever wondered why we aren’t getting mails and friend requests from people from other planets? No, we know why. There aren’t any identified life forms there. The reason, the absence of a suitable atmosphere. The fact that we have one here is to be cherished. More importantly, it tells us how we should be careful with it. Your efforts would make sure your favorite animals from the wild can go back safely to their homes in the evenings, for many years to come.

2. Because a destroyed environment couldn’t support animal life.
You must have seen the various animals, birds and insects that are displayed as extinct, in picture books or channels like Nat Geo and Discovery? Well, for your information, a majority of these animals were forced to vanish from the earth because of too much human interference in their habitats. Also, these animals could not survive the large amounts of climate changes brought on by human activities and gradually became extinct.

3. Because degradation in the environment affects plant life badly.
Plant life is probably the most important of all life forms on earth. As a matter of fact, plants are the beginning of all food chains and are a major reason for the sustenance of other forms like animals and humans. The deterioration in the environment has and will affect plant life in a bad way and hence create dangers for us too. Helping our green friends little by little is going to make life way better for us.

4. Because preserving nature and the environment feels good.
Ever noticed how beautiful a pleasant day feels? How rains brighten up all kinds of dull moods at times? How the right weather with the right amount of sunshine makes your day in winter days? The only way to keep that happening is to conserve the environmental changes. With phenomena like global warming and climate change, these small but important joys are at a risk of being lost. We can not go back to living like the days where there were no factories, no automobiles, no smoke, no noise, no pollution whatsoever, but we can definitely stop participating in unwanted activities that cause the nature trouble. What activities can you think of right now?

5. Because its not that difficult to do it!
A sound and healthy environment is what had been the original scene on earth. Yes, we do realize that our presence in such huge numbers may have brought in some sort of disruption. But don’t elders teach us things like, ‘Better late than never’? If there have been x number of things we may have done in the negative, there are twice the amount of things to bring in the positive change! And trust us, there is no feeling better than making that significant effort in the right direction. And guess what, it hardly takes more than a change of heart and mind, to achieve that. There are several ways to help save the environment from going bad; several ways to keep the beauty and uniqueness of nature and the earth intact for years…! Go ahead and find out what they are, and make your first move today!

Check these 50 cool ways to help the planet – CLICK HERE

At Meritnation , we believe every day must be Earth Day, but some well-designed events on or around April 22, the actual Earth Day, go a long way to celebrating achievement, discussing ways to build on those achievements, and to capturing the hearts and imaginations of the next generation. Take a look at this video at how you, the young generation can help influence change! Happy Earth Day!


Liked what you read? Then spare a moment on this Earth Day, to tell us about a role you played in making this planet a Greener Planet in the comments below.

Happy Earth Day!

Team Meritnation

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