How online learning can help students with special needs

Meritnation|Aug 22nd, 2014 04:33pm

Every child has a distinct personality gifted with his or her unique combination of strengths and weaknesses. Therefore their learning needs and difficulties are also unique. This is all the more important for children with special needs, as these students often tend to struggle in traditional schools. Each student deserves a customized learning program suited to his or her own special needs.
online_learning_for_special_student Choosing the right learning tool for a child with special needs can be a daunting task. However, technology has opened many educational doors to students today, particularly to students who are differently abled. Alternative solutions from the world of technology are accommodating physical, sensory, or cognitive impairments in many ways.

Luckily, today technology has really developed and provided each parent with better and practical solution in comparison to other traditional school system, the online educational for special students. Right from the pre-schools to high schooling, online programs help them to enhance their brain and mental health.The online education also develops a cozy and relaxing learning experience for students requiring special education.

Let us take a look at how online learning helps a special students and allows them to be at power with the mainstream

Online educational offers convenient access to courses for students and are flexible enough compared to traditional schools. Special students, who may require accommodations at fixed facility public schools, in turn, find online educational more useful as it offers them the opportunity to learn with any special arrangements. With online education the students don’t need to manage transportation and travel issues because they can attend the classes online from the confines of their house. Online education also enables the disabled students to be at the same level as their peers in traditional schools.

Besides convenience, online learning also provides special students with some extra perks in regards to flexibility, which is always missing in the traditional formats of learning. The online courses are designed in an interactive format that allow the study material and course module be offered to students in wide variety of formats including, in regular text formats, videos formats, audio files, animations. This actually gives them the benefit of self-paced learning and provides them with the option to learn by watching, listening to, or reading each presentation and saving it on their systems for further references.

Hand on Test Preparation
Online learning for these students provides them with interactive study tools that enable each topic to be thoroughly explored and investigated,. They ease lies in the benefit  they get by using online testing using multiple choice, practice question ,quizzes & teasers, with all correct and incorrect answers being fully explained to ensure the learning process continues.These tools help boost their self esteem and makes them feel more confident about themselves.

Improves Social Skills
Social situations can be stressful and discouraging for special needs children. Some may not pick up on social cues others may be bullied. Online learning connects all the students across the globe on a single click platform, which helps the special student to interact with peers , have a chat, make friends, ask & answer questions.

These tools help de-clutter the isolation a special student feels and gives them a chance build small group of their own without taking the trouble of dealing with rough environment everyday.

Anytime Anywhere Access
The advantage of online learning is that you can take it with you where ever you go. With advancement in hand held gadgets online learning has become affordable and easy to use, keeping the student boredom free.

Online learning can change and improve a child’s life immediately by getting these students organized, stay focused, and learn in ways that fit their unique enabling them to enjoy learning – and their education. Because at Meritnation we believe in ‘Possibility for Every Ability’.

Meritnation benefits for special student





Have you tried online learning for your your special student , do you have a story about how online education has helped special student around you? Share your story in the comments below to help more students be at power with mainstream.

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