How To Take A Selfie for a Future Scholarship?

Meritnation|Sep 17th, 2014 12:48pm

Attention all you selfie queens and kings out there. Tired of your friends telling you that you take too many selfies? Well, what if I told you that your selfie could get you a scholarship?! That’s right, your selfie could win you some money towards your tuition. Here’s how it works. & Aviva Life Insurance decided to partnered and help students put trending social media activity and put to good use for their futures.

The reward will be given to student who wins maximum likes on their selfie with his/her parents depicting their, future aspirations,along with a caption.Pretty simple huh?
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But before we begin to tell you how let us first tell you how to click a perfect selfie. Here are some Do’s and Don’ts for capturing the perfect selfie

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Selfie DO’S


-Look good – Be camera ready. Don’t think glamour shots. Aim for put together, yet casual. If you look like you’re trying too hard, people will notice. But a presentable look never hurt anyone.

– Use props for more interesting pictures that enhances your chance to step up the number likes to win in this contest.

-Pick your best angle – Angles can do wonders for a selfie. Downward angles should be avoided at all costs. A straight-on or above angle works best. Straightforward shots make you look the most natural, and shots taken from above can highlight shadows and make you appear slimmer.

-Be aware of your surroundings- Nothing kills a selfie like an unpleasant background. This is especially common while taking mirror selfies – sometimes we forget about the pile of dirty clothes, or the washroom – that can be seen in the reflection. If there is something in the background that you can’t get rid of, use the crop tool (as explained above.

-Appropriate Lighting- Make sure you have optimum lighting for your selfie. This means no overhead lighting. You’ll wind up with dark shadows under your eyes. Direct sunlight is best, but don’t face the sun because you’ll end up squinting. The sun should be behind you, so your face is highlighted. If there is no natural light, a lamp will work similarly to the sun – as long as the light is coming from behind you.

-Smile – A smile. Stick with the classics.

-Play with filters-  Filters were created for a reason, so use them to your advantage! But experimenting and selecting just the right filter for your selfie can enhance your facial features.

** MUST READ- Even the best of us could do with some more practice!


Selfie DON’TS


-Be Yourself- The moment you start trying to look cool, you’ve already failed. The Trick -Be yourself! Don’t be afraid to show your real self and for this contest your real dreams.

– Don’t forget to do a background check

-Don’t use the flash. Using a flash while taking selfies will do one of two things: completely overexpose the photos and wash you out, or reflect in the mirror. Neither of these things are good in the photography world. Refer back to ‘Selfie Do’s’ to learn what light works best.

The selfie trend is embedded in today’s culture, and whether or not we want to admit it, we’ve all participated at one time or another so embrace it.


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Add Comment Total Comments (2)

  • 1. SRISHTI  |  November 12th, 2014 at 12:45 pm


  • 2. shreya  |  September 17th, 2014 at 11:18 pm

    I think its the very thing everyone wanted…… thanks…….


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