Last minutes revision notes for SA I – Prepare the best ones in short time

Meritnation|Sep 10th, 2014 12:52pm

SA I are inching closer day by day. Getting ready for SA I  means more than just reading notes and hoping for positive results; you must look forward for an exam revision too. Taking good notes requires students to evaluate, organize and summarize information. It’s a key survival skill your child will need through high school and beyond.






Good Notes ensures high grades in exam. Education research suggests show that 80% student success stories attribute to their studying from well structured short notes good notes. Making good notes is a skill.Proper planning, revision notes, and a close analysis of the syllabus will help you make it. Incorporate the following tricks into your schedule and be ready to ace those exams .

First let us tell you, what are the properties of good notes

– Easily understandable
– Easily revisable
– Save time – because you don’t have to read book again for learning them
– Refreshes key points of lecture and book
– Help to learn how to present answer in answer sheet in befitting way, to get more marks.
– It contains collective information of text book, guide books and lecture.
– Increase your interest
– It gives you food for thought.

There are two steps in making notes.

– Taking Notes
– Shaping them

** MUST READ- 10 Study hacks every students should know!

Taking Notes for a subject:

Your optimal style for taking down notes for last minute must include the following:

– Dating your notes, and provide a heading that describes the piece’s overall content.
– Numbering the key pointers
– Paraphrasing instead of writing verbatim – writing in your own words, except for formulas, definitions, and specific facts (i.e. involving dates), which should be recorded exactly as in the text.
– Using consistent abbreviations , mnemonics and symbols.Do write the technical terms used in book
– Developing an ideal organizational format, like an outline, map, table, or note cards, depending on content.
– Leaving room in the margins for additional thoughts or questions.

**MUST READ- Beating those exam blues – A Preparation Guide


Shaping Notes.

 Notes you take borrow from friends for photocopy may be a in a haphazard way . And notes you prepare in panic before the exams may not in proper format as you have to focus on learning as well. The notes you take should be shaped in proper way so that it can be properly used for SA II ahead.

Shaping notes according to the question format of exam helps you present you answer in befitting way. There are different ways to shape notes.

– Writing in points 

**QUICK TIP – Always mark your pointers in alphabets (A,B & C) instead of (1,2 & 3 ) looking at numerals chances of scoring more becomes less as the examiner takes a closer look at the numbers compared to number of points marked with alphabet bullets

– Writing in paragraphs

**QUICK TIP – Always underline key sentences with a coloured ink pen so that it grabs the examiner attention and its easier for them to judge your paper

– Making diagram, tables or chart

** MUST READ- 9 Tips on How To Revise Your Course Effectively


Always remember some points for making your notes useful.

– Use heading and sub-headings

– Use abbreviation, mnemonics and short words

– All the lines or paragraphs should be in proper sequence

– For short answers try and skip the unnecessary explanation to save time. If very important resort to making charts or diagrams which is quicker and much easier 

– Write in good handwriting

– Always back up your long answers with diagram or table . It increases your chances to fetch more marks

– Notes for different subject should be separate. Never write notes for different subject on one page or in one notebook which has no separation line




So you see note making is a part of your active learning strategies, a good note making strategy helps you both record and learn information much faster and will help bust that stress you get a night before the exams


** MUST READ- SA 1 : Late night exam preparation and its effects


All The Best

Team Meritnation

Add Comment Total Comments (6)

  • 1. jazlin  |  September 27th, 2014 at 10:58 pm


  • 2. jazlin  |  September 27th, 2014 at 10:58 pm

    helped me a lot …thanks …keep posting some more like this one….!!!

  • 3. karthik  |  September 23rd, 2014 at 11:35 am

    cllllllaaaaassssiiiiiiiccccccc tips

  • 4. karthik  |  September 23rd, 2014 at 11:34 am

    I love these tips these made me to write well

  • 5. Aryan  |  September 10th, 2014 at 5:51 pm

    thank you meritnation but my sa1 is already started . but thank u these tips are useful for my sst paper.

  • 6. Amit Grover  |  September 10th, 2014 at 3:51 pm

    Nice article


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