Making the most of your time in student years

Meritnation|Jun 26th, 2013 01:38pm

This blog will be talking about how as a student, you can effectively juggle the 3 most important things in your life!

With the dawn of every birthday, we are expected to become more and more adept at juggling the whole school-studies-friends-family balance. Yet each year, with the increase in syllabus, parental expectations and changes in our social surrounding, we feel like we are letting life slip by without gaining much in return.

How does one then, strike a balance between studies, friends and family?

Learn to Prioritize:

Making a list of the most important things for you is highly recommended. You know that school and studies are the most important things on which your focus needs to be unwavering. Doing well in school, and acquiring the right study skills that will help you become a continuously seeking learner will lay a strong foundation for your future. It is important that you place everything that will help give a direction to the future you have been dreaming about, foremost.

Spend time with your family:

Remember, your family is the one unit in your life that will always stand by you, unwavering in the face of adversity and rejoicing in every little victory. Try to spend as much quality time with them as you can. Your parents understand the pressures of growing up and will be able to give you more freedom to make your decisions when they know that you know your roots even as you are seemingly taking giant steps towards realizing your dreams.


You have to realize that to achieve your dreams, however different they may be from others, you need to have a strong foundation. This will be the reservoir that will see you through throughout your life. Your basic education- primary, secondary and higher education, all contribute towards making your dreams come true.

So don’t make excuses like: I don’t like this subject and that is why I can’t seem to score well enough in it. If you don’t like a subject try to delve deeper into the reasons. Is it because of the way you are taught the topic? Is it because you don’t like to read about it in the old black and white format? Is it because however hard you try, you are not able to get those marks in that subject? Maybe its time you did things differently. Like, how about attempting to study online –with videos and graphics thrown in good measure – to help break monotony and for easy understanding?

The next time you do not understand a topic in Maths or Science go online, locate a video tutorial on the topic and see how well it gets entrenched in your mind!

The next step would be to  whatever you have learnt to let the topic leave an indelible imprint on your mind. Take regular tests based on all that you have studied and we are sure you will begin to develop an interest in the subject. Try it!

What about friends?

Of course you need to be with people your age , to discuss, dream, boast, complain, comfort, and in general spend time together with the hope of making all those problems that come your way a little easier to deal with. Do spend time building and nurturing these relationships.. If you have your priorities in place there is nothing stopping you from being able to successfully manage this circle.


Team Meritnation

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  • 1. JIGGY  |  November 28th, 2013 at 11:03 pm


  • 2. owais abdullah  |  July 27th, 2013 at 1:06 pm

    its very nice

  • 3. Neha  |  July 14th, 2013 at 11:45 am

    i also want to be a doctor superb tips thanxx merit experts

  • 4. PriTzi  |  July 3rd, 2013 at 8:02 pm

    LoL… the student’s Life pic shows the very reality of our lives !!…
    But love the content ^_^

  • 5. Dreamcatcher rocks  |  July 3rd, 2013 at 5:07 pm

    very helpful !

  • 6. mrs leena dhuped  |  July 2nd, 2013 at 12:05 pm

    really nice and innovative website feels like taking me back to student days since we didnt have as much exposure to this kind of learning in our times


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