My Dear Teacher – Just a note to say Thank You!

Meritnation|Sep 5th, 2013 06:07pm

Gratitude makes a person modest. A sense of gratitude expands the heart. We invited entries on how your favourite teacher helped you become who you are today, knowing that there will be lots of students (or former students!) who would jump at this opportunity to express their gratitude; to write in a few words for that one teacher that left a mark. And we were not disappointed.  We got a huge response. Some of your entries were long, some were short. Some were in prose and some in rhyme. There was however one thing that bound them all – they were all straight from the heart!

Thank you all for writing in. We would like to dedicate this space on our blog to all those wonderful teachers out there, who are toiling away selflessly, just so that the precious ‘clay’ in their hands can be molded into something beautiful. We thank you for your continuous efforts to ignite the flame of learning in the hearts of all your students.  Happy Teachers’ Day!

Below are the best short message entries we received . Check them out!!

Untitled drawing (1)

Untitled drawing (2)


Team Meritnaition



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  • 1. Ishita Shrivastava  |  September 7th, 2015 at 7:33 pm

    My dear teacher, I may have been naughty whole session round but I ain’t the one behind every mischief executed in the class. But anyways… I can’t define how much u mean to me.

  • 2. khadija  |  September 13th, 2013 at 1:31 pm

    my favorite teacher is arifa teacher she is the best teacher i will never forget her she is like my friend!!!


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