Prepare The Ideal Time Table For Studies- Know How!

Meritnation|Apr 3rd, 2014 11:08am

One of the most common problems faced by students today is the lack of time. Amidst school, tuition classes, extra curricular activities and family, you may find it very difficult to devote appropriate amounts of time for everything. In this struggle, one often ends up compromising on studies, worse if it is exams one is studying for.




What if there was a way you could complete all your daily rituals & tasks efficiently and still have enough time to study and prepare for exams? We have built a rough structure that guides you on preparing an effective time table for your day. Go through the steps and suggestions given below and decide on an effective time table considering what activities you usually have.

1. Make a list of all the activities you usually have to perform on a daily basis. These should include studies, leisure, family time, tuition’s and the time spent before and after school. Include any games or extra curricular activities you may be involved in. Do not include things that you do occasionally, like once a month. Instead, make a column for miscellaneous activities.

2. Now, write down the amount of time you usually take in all these tasks. A rough estimate of time taken should be enough. Once this is done, analyse what all you can manage to do in lesser time and what areas required more time and effort.

3. Prepare a chart of your daily routine, starting from the time when you wake up. Place the activities you listed earlier and see how things shape up. The major planning needs to be done at this stage. This is where you prioritize. You may need to give up some minutes allotted to literature, in order to fit in the extra study time before exams. Do not neglect the element of relaxation, as it contributes to better understanding and more concentration during studies.

4. In this schedule, make a separate part where you decide what all subjects you intend to study. Devote more time to subjects you think you need to concentrate more on. Subjects you are comfortable can be adjusted in between.

5. Talk to your parents and family members and take their opinion about your timetable. While living with your family, it might get difficult for you to perfectly follow what you charted. An odd family celebration, festivals and visitors can cause a lot of distraction for you as a student. These distractions can be sorted once your family contributes in managing your time with you.

6. Start following your routine as soon as you can. Delaying your plans will make you less interested each day and eventually not help you at all. Also, once you have started following it, don’t let distractions waver you. Remind yourself why you started it in the first place. Following it in case you do not have exams looming large in front of you can be a task and requires great amount of perseverance.

7. Note that the activities you chalk out will have to vary on weekends, festival days and any outings that are important or planned. On these occasions, you can always adjust your study hours accordingly.

Now that you have set a routine for yourself and are determined about it, there is very little that can stop you from achieving your goals. Make the best of your time and you are sure to reap results accordingly!

If you like what you read do spare a moment to share your ideas & feedback’s in the comment below you can read more about timetables and their benefits Β HERE.

Team Meritnation


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  • 1. rasika  |  December 4th, 2015 at 8:13 pm

    really good tips….will try to use them as soon as possible πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰


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