Square is the new Hip!

Meritnation|May 19th, 2014 12:14pm

Rubik’s Cube has just got to keep twisting and turning.With the 40 enduring years of rise and fall in the toy industry, with the unfailing devotion to agonize its patrons and problem solvers along the way, the Rubik’s Cube has all the right to celebrate.
To commemorate the mostly popular puzzle game in the world, Google brings an animated doodle that allows you to try and solve the puzzle online.


Rubik’s Cube is a 3-dimensional combination puzzle which was invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor, architect and professor of architecture Ernő Rubik who wanted a working model to help explain three-dimensional geometry. It took Rubik one month before he was able to solve the Cube for himself.

And that friends, is one of the 6 facts we are sharing today about the most popular puzzle in the world!

1. A Rubik’s cube has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 possible configurations. With 6 colored sides, 21 pieces and 54 outer surfaces, there’s a combined total of over 43 Quintillion different possible configurations. if you turned the Rubik’s cube once every second it would take you1400 trillion yearsto finish to go through all the configurations.

2. When invented, the Rubik’s Cube was originally called the ‘Magic Cube’. It was renamed the Rubik’s Cube in 1980 when it was introduced to America.

3. The Cube measures 2 1/4 inches on each side and contains 26 unique miniature cubes called cubies or cubletes.

4. The biggest cube in the world can be found in Knoxville, Tennessee.It is 3 metres tall and weighs over 1102 lbs i.e almost 500 Kgs

5. 3 Yr old Yi Hui from China , is the youngest player to solve the Rubix Cube in 2 Minutes 43 Seconds

Check Below for more


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