RD Sharma 2022 Mcqs Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 11 Trigonometric Identities are provided here with simple step-by-step explanations. These solutions for Trigonometric Identities are extremely popular among class 10 students for Maths Trigonometric Identities Solutions come handy for quickly completing your homework and preparing for exams. All questions and answers from the RD Sharma 2022 Mcqs Book of class 10 Maths Chapter 11 are provided here for you for free. You will also love the ad-free experience on Meritnation’s RD Sharma 2022 Mcqs Solutions. All RD Sharma 2022 Mcqs Solutions for class 10 Maths are prepared by experts and are 100% accurate.

Page No 167:

Question 1:

If x = 2 sin2 θ and y = 2 cos2 θ + 1, then x + y is equal to 

​(a) 3

(b) 2

(c) 1

(d) 12


Given: = 2 sin2 θ and y = 2 cos2 θ + 1

x+y=2sin2θ+2cos2θ+1=2sin2θ+cos2θ+1=2×1+1              sin2θ+cos2θ=1=3

Hence, the correct answer is option (a).

Page No 167:

Question 2:

If tanα + cotα = 2, then tan2020α + cot2020 α = 

​(a) 0

(b) 2

(c) 2020

(d) 22020


Given: tanα + cotα = 2,

tanα+cotα=2tanα+1tanα=21+tan2αtanα=2sec2αtanα=2                       1+tan2θ=sec2θ1cos2α×cosαsinα=2        secθ=1cosθ12sinαcosα=1                     sin2α=1                          2sinθcosθ=sin2θsin2α=sin90°                 sin90°=12α=90° α=45°

tan2020α+cot2020α=tan202045°+cot202045°=12020+12020         tan45°=1 and cot45°=1   =2

Hence, the correct answer is option (b).

Page No 167:

Question 3:

1+sin θ1-sin θ is equal to

(a) sec θ + tan θ
(b) sec θ − tan θ
(c) sec2 θ + tan2 θ
(d) sec2 θ − tan2 θ


The given expression is .

Multiplying both the numerator and denominator under the root by , we have

Therefore, the correct option is (a).

Page No 167:

Question 4:

The value of 1+cos θ1-cos θ is

(a) cot θ − cosec θ
(b) cosec θ + cot θ
(c) cosec2 θ + cot2 θ
(d) (cot θ + cosec θ)2


The given expression is .

Multiplying both the numerator and denominator under the root by, we have

Therefore, the correct choice is (b).

Page No 167:

Question 5:

sin θ1+cos θis equal to

(a) 1+cos θsin θ
(b) 1-cos θcos θ
(c) 1-cos θsin θ
(d) 1-sin θcos θ


The given expression is .

Multiplying both the numerator and denominator under the root by , we have

Therefore, the correct option is (c).

Page No 167:

Question 6:

sin θ1-cot θ+cos θ1-tan θ is equal to

(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) sin θ + cos θ
(d) sin θ − cos θ


The given expression is .

Simplifying the given expression, we have

Therefore, the correct option is (c).

Page No 167:

Question 7:

tan θsec θ-1+tan θsec θ+1 is equal to

(a) 2 tan θ
(b) 2 sec θ
(c) 2 cosec θ
(d) 2 tan θ sec θ


The given expression is .

Simplifying the given expression, we have

Therefore, the correct option is (c).

Page No 167:

Question 8:

If x = a cos θ and y = b sin θ, then b2x2 + a2y2 =

(a) a2b2
(b) ab
(c) a4b4
(d) a2 + b2




We know that,


Hence, the correct option is (a).

Page No 167:

Question 9:

If x = a sec θ and y = b tan θ, then b2x2a2y2 =

(a) ab
(b) a2b2
(c) a2 + b2
(d) a2b2




We know that,


Hence, the correct option is (d).

Page No 167:

Question 10:

The value of sin2 29° + sin2 61° is

(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) 2 sin2 29°
(d) 2 cos2 61°


The given expression is .


Hence, the correct option is (a).

Page No 167:

Question 11:

If x = a sec θ cos Ï•, y = b sec θ sin Ï• and z = c tan θ, then x2a2+y2b2=

(a) z2c2
(b) 1-z2c2
(c) z2c2-1
(d) 1+z2c2




Hence, the correct option is (d).

Page No 167:

Question 12:

9 sec2 A − 9 tan2 A is equal to

(a) 1
(b) 9
(c) 8
(d) 0



We know that,


Hence, the correct option is (b).

Page No 167:

Question 13:

(sec A + tan A) (1 − sin A) =

(a) sec A
(b) sin A
(c) cosec A
(d) cos A


The given expression is .

Simplifying the given expression, we have

Therefore, the correct option is (d).

Page No 167:

Question 14:

1+tan2 A1+cot2 Ais equal to

(a) sec2A
(b) −1
(c) cot2A
(d) tan2A




Therefore, the correct option is (d).

Page No 167:

Question 15:

The value of sin (45° +θ) - cos (45° - θ) is equal to
(a) 2 cos θ    (b) 0     (c)     2 sin θ    (d) 1


We know that, sin90-θ=cosθ.
So, sin45°+θ=cos90-45°+θ=cos45°-θ
Hence, the correct answer is option (b).

Page No 168:

Question 16:

If ABC is right angled at C , then the value of cos ( A + B ) is


In a right angled triangle ABC, C is a right angle.
We know that, the sum of angles of a triangle is 180º.
Hence, the correct answer is option (a).

Page No 168:

Question 17:

If secθ+tanθ=x, then tanθ=

(a) x2+1x
(b) x2-1x
(c) x2+12x
(d) x2-12x



We know that,


Subtracting the second equation from the first equation, we get

Therefore, the correct choice is (d).

Page No 168:

Question 18:

If sec θ + tan θ = x, then sec θ =

(a) x2+1x
(b) x2+12x
(c) x2-12x
(d) x2-1x



We know that,


Adding the two equations, we get

Therefore, the correct choice is (b).

Page No 168:

Question 19:

sec4 A − sec2 A is equal to

(a) tan2 A − tan4 A
(b) tan4 A − tan2 A
(c) tan4 A + tan2 A
(d) tan2 A + tan4 A


The given expression is .

Taking common from both the terms, we have

Disclaimer: The options given in (c) and (d) are same by the commutative property of addition.

Therefore, the correct options are (c) or (d).

Page No 168:

Question 20:

cos4 A − sin4 A is equal to

(a) 2 cos2 A + 1
(b) 2 cos2 A − 1
(c) 2 sin2 A − 1
(d) 2 sin2 A + 1


The given expression is .

Factorising the given expression, we have

Therefore, the correct option is (b).

Page No 168:

Question 21:

The value of (1 + cot θ − cosec θ) (1 + tan θ + sec θ) is

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 0


The given expression is

Simplifying the given expression, we have

Therefore, the correct option is (b).

Page No 168:

Question 22:

(cosec θ − sin θ) (sec θ − cos θ) (tan θ + cot θ) is equal to

(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) −1
(d) None of these


The given expression is

Simplifying the given expression, we have

Therefore, the correct option is (b).

Page No 168:

Question 23:

If A and B are acute angles such that sin (A – B) = 0 and 2 cos (A + B) – 1 = 0, then A = 
​(a) 60°
(b) 30°
(c) 45°
(d) 15°


Given: sin (A – B) = 0 and 2 cos (A + B) – 1 = 0 where A and B are acute angles.

Since sin (A – B) = 0
⇒ sin (A – B) = sin 0º          (∵ sin 0º = 0)
⇒ A – B = 0                      ..... (1)

2 cos (A + B) – 1 = 0
⇒ cos (A + B) = 12
⇒ cos (A + B) = cos 60∘       (∵ cos 60∘ = 12)     
⇒ A + B = 60∘                 .....(2)

Adding (1) and (2), we get
B = 30∘ and A = 30∘

Hence, the correct answer is option (b).

Page No 168:

Question 24:

If sin θ – cos θ = 0, then the value of sin4θ + cos4θ is

​(a) 1

(b) 34​

(c) 12

(d) 14


Given: sin θ – cos θ = 0
sinθ=cosθsinθcosθ=1tanθ=1tanθ=tan45°         tan45°=1θ=45°

sin4θ+cos4θ=sin45°4+cos45°4=124+124    sin45°=cos45°=12 =14+14=12

Hence, the correct answer is option (c).

Page No 168:

Question 25:

If cos 9θ = sin θ and  9θ  < 900 , then the value of tan 6 θ is


It is given that,
cos9θ=sinθ, 9θ<90°              sin90°-9θ=sinθ       sin90°-θ=cosθ90°-9θ=θ10θ=90°θ=9°Therefore, tan6θ=tan54°.
Disclaimer: Answer of the given question is not matching with the options provided in the textbook.

Page No 168:

Question 26:

If  cos (α + β) = 0 , then sin α - β can be reduced to 


It is given that,
cosα+β=0cosα+β=cos90°             cos90°=0α+β=90° α=90°-βNow, put α=90°-β in sinα-β.sinα-β=sin90°-β-β=sin90°-2β       =cos2β                       sin90°-θ=cosθ
Hence, the correct answer is option (b).

Page No 168:

Question 27:

If 1 + sin2α = 3 sinα cosα, then the values of cotα are

​(a) –1, 1

(b) 0, 1

(c) 1, 2

(d) –1, –1


Given: 1 + sin2α = 3 sinα cosα         .....(1)

Dividing both sides of (1) by sin2α,
1+sin2αsin2α=3sinαcosαsin2αcosec2α+1=3cotα1+cot2α+1=3cotαcot2α-3cotα+2=0cotα-1cotα-2=0cotα=1 or 2

Hence, the correct answer is option (c).

Page No 168:

Question 28:

cot θcot θ-cot 3θ+tan θtan θ-tan 3θis equal to

(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) −1
(d) 2


The given expression is .

Simplifying the given expression, we have

Therefore, the correct option is (b).

Page No 168:

Question 29:

2 (sin6 θ + cos6 θ) − 3 (sin4 θ + cos4 θ) is equal to

(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) −1
(d) None of these


The given expression is .

Simplifying the given expression, we have


Therefore, the correct option is (c).

Page No 168:

Question 30:

If a cos θ + b sin θ = 4 and a sin θ − b sin θ = 3, then a2 + b2 =

(a) 7
(b) 12
(c) 25
(d) None of these



Squaring and then adding the above two equations, we have

Hence, the correct option is (c).

Page No 168:

Question 31:

If a cot θ + b cosec θ = p and b cot θ − a cosec θ = q, then p2q2 =

(a) a2b2
(b) b2a2
(c) a2 + b2
(d) ba



Squaring both the equations and then subtracting the second from the first, we have


Hence, the correct option is (b).

Page No 168:

Question 32:

If x = r sin θ cos Ï•, y = r sin θ sin Ï• and z = r cos θ, then

(a) x2+y2+z2=r2
(b) x2+y2-z2=r2
(c) x2-y2+z2=r2
(d) z2+y2-x2=r2



Squaring and adding these equations, we get

Hence, the correct option is (a).

Page No 168:

Question 33:

If sin θ + sin2 θ = 1, then cos2 θ + cos4 θ =

(a) −1
(b) 1
(c) 0
(d) None of these




Hence, the correct option is (b).

Page No 169:

Question 34:

If a cos θ + b sin θ = m and a sin θ − b cos θ = n, then a2 + b2 =

(a) m2n2
(b) m2n2
(c) n2m2
(d) m2 + n2



Squaring and adding these equations, we have

Hence, the correct option is (d).

Page No 169:

Question 35:

If cos A + cos2 A = 1, then sin2 A + sin4 A =

(a) −1
(b) 0
(c) 1
(d) None of these





Hence, the correct option is (c).

Page No 169:

Question 36:

If a cos θ − b sin θ = c, then a sin θ + b cos θ =

(a) ±a2+b2+c2
(b) ±a2+ b2-c2
(c) ±c2-a2-b2
(d) None of these



Squaring on both sides, we have


Hence, the correct option is (b).

Page No 169:

Question 37:

If 2sin2β – cos2β = 2, then β is equal to
​(a) 0°
(b) 90°
(c) 45°
(d) 30​°


Given: 2sin2β – cos2β = 2

2sin2β-1-sin2β=2             1-sin2θ=cos2θ3sin2β=3sin2β=1sinβ=1sinβ=sin90°                 sin90°=1β=90°

Hence, the correct answer is option (b).

Page No 169:

Question 38:

​​​​​​​Each of the following questions contains STATEMENT-1 (Assertion) and STATEMENT-2 (Reason) and has following four choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), only one of which is the correct answer. Mark the correct choice.

(a) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(b) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(c) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.
(d) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
Statement-1 (Assertion): The value of the product P = tan1° tan2° tan3°,......,tan89° is 1.
Statement-2 (Reason): For 0 < θ ≤ 90°, tan (90° – θ) = cotθ and tan45° = 1.


Statement-2 (Reason): For 0 < θ ≤ 90°, tan (90° – θ) = cotθ and tan45° = 1.
For 0 < θ ≤ 90°, tan (90° – θ) = cotθ and tan45° = 1.
Thus, statement-2 is true.

Statement-1 (Assertion): The value of the product P = tan1° tan2° tan3°,......,tan89° is 1.
P = tan1° tan2° tan3°,......,tan89°
= tan1° tan2° tan3°...tan45°tan46°...tan88°tan89°      
= tan1° tan2° tan3°...1.cot44°...cot2°cot1°                   (From Statement-1)
= 1

Thus, statement-1 is true.

So, Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.

Hence, the correct answer is option (a).

Page No 169:

Question 39:

​​​​​​​​Each of the following questions contains STATEMENT-1 (Assertion) and STATEMENT-2 (Reason) and has following four choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), only one of which is the correct answer. Mark the correct choice.

(a) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(b) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(c) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.
(d) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
Statement-1 (Assertion): The value of the product of P = cos1° cos2°..... cos179° is zero.
Statement-2 (Reason): The value of cos 90° is zero.


Statement-2 (Reason): The value of cos 90° is zero.
Since, cos 90° = 0.
Thus, Statement-2 is true.

Statement-1 (Assertion): The value of the product of P = cos1° cos2°..... cos179° is zero.
P = cos1° cos2°..... cos179°
= cos1° cos2°...cos90°... cos179°
= cos1° cos2°...0... cos179°              (From Statement-1)
= 0

Thus, statement-1 is true.
So, Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
Hence, the correct answer is option (a).

Page No 169:

Question 40:

​​​​​​​​​Each of the following questions contains STATEMENT-1 (Assertion) and STATEMENT-2 (Reason) and has following four choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), only one of which is the correct answer. Mark the correct choice.

(a) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(b) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(c) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.
(d) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
Statement-1 (Assertion): For 0 < θ ≤ 90°, cosecθ – cotθ and cosecθ + cotθ are reciprocal of each other.
Statement-2 (Reason): cot2θ – cosec2θ = 1.


Statement-2 (Reason): cot2θ – cosec2θ = 1.
Using trigonometric identity, 1+ cot2θ = cosec2θ.
⇒ cot2θ – cosec2θ = –1
Thus, Statement-2 is false.

Statement-1 (Assertion): For 0 < θ ≤ 90°, cosecθ – cotθ and cosecθ + cotθ are reciprocal of each other.
cosecθ+cotθ=cosecθ+cotθ×cosecθ-cotθcosecθ-cotθ=cosecθ+cotθcosecθ-cotθcosecθ-cotθ=cosec2θ-cot2θcosecθ-cotθ=1cosecθ-cotθ                1+cot2θ=cosec2θ

For 0 < θ ≤ 90°, cosecθ – cotθ and cosecθ + cotθ are reciprocal of each other.
Thus, Statement-1 is true.

So, Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.

Hence, the correct answer is option (c).

Page No 169:

Question 41:

​​​​​​​​​Each of the following questions contains STATEMENT-1 (Assertion) and STATEMENT-2 (Reason) and has following four choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), only one of which is the correct answer. Mark the correct choice.

(a) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(b) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(c) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.
(d) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
Statement-1 (Assertion): For 0 ≤ θ < 90°, secθ + tanθ and secθ – tanθ are reciprocal of each other.
Statement-2 (Reason): cosec2θ – cot2θ = 1.


Statement-2 (Reason): cosec2θ – cot2θ = 1.
Using trigonometric identity, 1+ cot2θ = cosec2θ.
⇒ 1 = cosec2θ – cot2θ
Thus, Statement-2 is true.

Statement-1 (Assertion): For 0 ≤ θ < 90°, secθ + tanθ and secθ – tanθ are reciprocal of each other.
secθ+tanθ=secθ+tanθ×secθ-tanθsecθ-tanθ=secθ+tanθsecθ-tanθsecθ-tanθ=sec2θ-tan2θsecθ-tanθ=1secθ-tanθ                1+tan2θ=sec2θ

For 0 ≤ θ < 90°, secθ + tanθ and secθ – tanθ are reciprocal of each other.
Thus, Statement-1 is true.

So, Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.

Hence, the correct answer is option (b).

Page No 169:

Question 42:

​​​​​​​​​​Each of the following questions contains STATEMENT-1 (Assertion) and STATEMENT-2 (Reason) and has following four choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), only one of which is the correct answer. Mark the correct choice.

(a) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(b) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(c) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.
(d) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
Statement-1 (Assertion): If x = acosθ and y = bsinθ, then b2x+ a2y2 = a2b2.
Statement-2 (Reason): cos2θ + sin2θ = 1.


Statement-2 (Reason): cos2θ + sin2θ = 1.
According to trigonometric identities cos2θ + sin2θ = 1.

Thus, Statement-2 is true.

Statement-1 (Assertion): If acosθ and y = bsinθ, then b2xa2y2 = a2b2.
Given, x = acosθ and y = bsinθ.

b2x2+a2y2=b2×a2cos2θ+a2×b2sin2θ=a2b2sin2θ+cos2θ              From Statement1=a2b2

Thus, Statement-1 is true.

So, Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.

Hence, the correct answer is option (a).

Page No 169:

Question 43:

​​​​​​​​​​Each of the following questions contains STATEMENT-1 (Assertion) and STATEMENT-2 (Reason) and has following four choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), only one of which is the correct answer. Mark the correct choice.

(a) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(b) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(c) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.
(d) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
Statement-1 (Assertion): For 0 < θ ≤ 90°, cosec2θ​ + sin2θ ≥ 2.
Statement-2 (Reason): For any x>0, x+1x2.


Statement-2 (Reason): For any x>0, x+1x2.
For any x > 0.
Apply AM ≥ GM on x and 1x,


Thus, statement-2 is true.

Statement-1 (Assertion): For 0 < θ ≤ 90°, cosec2θ​ + sin2θ ≥ 2.
In Statement-1, putting x = sin2 θ

Thus, statement-1 is true.

So, Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.

Hence, the correct answer is option (a).

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