Science Ncert Exemplar 2019 Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 5 Acids, Bases, And Salts are provided here with simple step-by-step explanations. These solutions for Acids, Bases, And Salts are extremely popular among class 7 students for Science Acids, Bases, And Salts Solutions come handy for quickly completing your homework and preparing for exams. All questions and answers from the Science Ncert Exemplar 2019 Book of class 7 Science Chapter 5 are provided here for you for free. You will also love the ad-free experience on Meritnation’s Science Ncert Exemplar 2019 Solutions. All Science Ncert Exemplar 2019 Solutions for class 7 Science are prepared by experts and are 100% accurate.

Page No 27:

Question 1:

The correct way of making a solution of acid in water is to
(a) add water to acid.
(b) add acid to water.
(c) mix acid and water simultaneously.
(d) add water to acid in a shallow container.


The correct way of making a solution of acid is water is to add acid to water as this reaction produces a small amount of heat and can be carried out safely. But , if we add water to acid , the reaction is highly exothermic and produces a large amount of heat and hence , can lead to explosion. Therefore , adding acid to water is the correct way of making a solution of acid in water.

Hence, the correct answer is option (b).

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Question 2:

Products of a neutralisation reaction are always
(a) an acid and a base.
(b) an acid and a salt.
(c) a salt and water.
(d) a salt and a base.


Neutralization reaction can be defined as a reaction in which an acid and a base react together to form salt and water as products.
Therefore , the products of neutralization reaction are always salt and water.

Hence, the correct answer is option (c).


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Question 3:

Turmeric is a natural indicator. On adding its paste to acid and base separately, which colours would be observed
(a) Yellow in both acid and base.
(b) Yellow in acid and red in base.
(c) Pink in acid and yellow in base.
(d) Red in acid and blue in base.


Turmeric paste is yellow in colour. It does not change its colour in acidic solution and remains yellow. Whereas, it is converted to red in basic solution.

Hence, the correct answer is option (b).

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Question 4:

Phenolphthalein is a synthetic indicator and its colours in acidic and basic solutions, respectively are
(a) red and blue.
(b) blue and red.
(c) pink and colourless.
(d) colourless and pink


Phenolphthalein indicator is colourless in nature but it gives pink colour in a basic solution and remains colourless in an acidic solution.

Hence, the correct answer is option (d).

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Question 5:

When the soil is too basic, plants do not grow well in it. To improve its quality what must be added to the soil?
(a) Organic matter
(b) Quick lime
(c) Slaked lime
(d) Calamine solution


When the soil is too basic, organic matter is added to it. Organic matter releases acids which neutralises the basic nature of the soil and improves its quality and growth.

Hence, the correct answer is option (a).


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Question 6:

‘Litmus’, a natural dye is an extract of which of the following?
(a) China rose (Gudhal)
(b) Beetroot
(c) Lichen
(d) Blue berries (Jamun)


Litmus is extracted from different species of 'lichens'. Litmus solution or litmus paper is commonly used to test whether the solution is acidic or basic in nature.

Hence, the correct answer is option (c).

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Question 7:

Neutralisation reaction is a
(a) physical and reversible change.
(b) physical change that cannot be reversed.
(c) chemical and reversible change.
(d) chemical change that cannot be reversed.


Neutralization reaction is a chemical reaction in which acid and base react together and form salt and water as products. It is an irreversible change. Hence, it is a chemical change that cannot be reversed.
Hence, the correct answer is option (d).

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Question 8:

A solution changes the colour of turmeric indicator from yellow to red. The solution is
(a) basic
(b) acidic
(c) neutral
(d) either neutral or acidic


When colour of the solution changes from yellow to red by a turmeric indicator, then, the solution is known as a basic solution.

Hence, the correct answer is option (a).


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Question 9:

Which of the following set of substances contain acids?
(a) Grapes, lime water
(b) Vinegar, soap
(c) Curd, milk of magnesia
(d) Curd, vinegar


Curd contains lactic acid and vinegar contains acetic acid. Therefore, the substances containing acids are curd and vinegar.
Hence, the correct answer is option (d).

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Question 10:

On adding phenolphthalein indicator to a colourless solution, no change is observed. What is the nature of this solution?
(a) Basic
(b) Either acidic or basic
(c) Either acidic or neutral
(d) Either basic or neutral


Phenolphthalein indicator gives pink colour in basic solution but remains colourless in acidic and neutral solutions.

Hence, the correct answer is option (c).

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Question 11:

Which of the following is an acid-base indicator?
(a) Vinegar
(b) Lime water
(c) Turmeric
(d) Baking soda


Turmeric is an acid-base indicator as it remains yellow in acidic solution whereas it turns red in a basic solution.

Hence, the correct answer is option (c).

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Question 12:

Look at the given reaction.

Hydrochloric acid + Sodium hydroxide (base) → Sodium chloride (salt) + Water

Sodium chloride formed in this reaction remains in solution form. Can we get solid sodium chloride from this solution? Suggest a method (if any).


Sodium chloride is soluble in water and hence, remains in solution form. On evaporation of this solution, water will get converted to vapour form and solid sodium chloride can be obtained. Hence, we can use the method of evaporation to obtain sodium chloride in solid form.

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Question 13:

State whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.
(a) All substances are either acidic or basic.
(b) A compound if acidic will turn all indicators red.
(c) Lime water turns red litmus blue.
(d) Common salt dissolved in water turns blue litmus red.
(e) Phenolphthalein is a natural indicator.
(f) Calamine can be used to treat ant’s sting.
(g) Lemon water is basic in nature.


(a) False -Substances can be either acidic, basic or neutral in nature.
(b) False -Acids do not turn all indicators red.
(c) True
(d) False - Common salt dissolved in water is a neutral solution and hence , colour of litmus paper will not change.
(e) False - Phenolphthalein is a synthetic indicator.
(f) True
(g) False -Lemon water is acidic in nature.


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Question 14:

Paheli is suffering from indigestion due to acidity. Is it advisable to give her orange juice in this situation and why?


Indigestion is caused by excess acid in the stomach. Also, orange juice is acidic in nature. Giving orange juice in a condition of indigestion will make the situation worse as the concentration of acid in stomach further increases. For curing indigestion, a base like antacid should be given to neutralize the excess acid in the stomach. Hence, it is not advisable to give her orange juice in this condition. 

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Question 15:

Look at in the given figure which shows solutions taken in test tubes A,B,C and D. What colour is expected when a piece of red litmus paper is dropped in each test tube? Nature of the solutions is given in the table for your help.


Test Tube  Nature of Solution  Change In Color Red Litmus 
A Neutral   
B Basic   
C Acidic   
D Neutral   



Test Tube  Nature Of Solution  Change In Color Red Litmus 
A Neutral  No change 
B Basic  Colour changes to blue 
C Acidic  No change
D Neutral  No change 

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Question 16:

While playing in a park, a child was stung by a wasp. Some elders suggested applying paste of baking soda and others lemon juice as remedy. Which remedy do you think is appropriate and why?


Wasp releases a liquid substance in body when it sting. This liquid is alkaline in nature. Applying lemon juice as a remedy neutralizes the alkaline nature of the liquid released by wasp and will help to eliminate the pain. Whereas, applying baking soda will increase the pain and redness. Hence, applying lemon juice on wasp sting is an appropriate remedy.

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Question 17:

Form a sentence using the following words – baking soda, ant bite, moist, effect, neutralised, rubbing.


The sentence using these words will be:

The effect of an ant bite can be neutralized by rubbing moist baking soda.

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Question 18:

Match the substances in Column I with those in Column II.

Column I  Column II 
(a) Tartaric acid  (i) Soap 
(b) Calcium hydroxide  (ii) Curd 
(c) Formic acid  (iii) Unripe mangoes 
(d) Sodium hydroxide  (iv) Ant's sting 
(e) Lactic acid  (v) Lime water 


The correct match of  substances in column I with those in column II is shown below:



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Question 19:

Fill the blanks in the following sentences
(a) Lemon juice and vinegar taste ___________ because they contain ___________.
(b) Turmeric and litmus are _________ acid-base indicators.
(c) Phenolphthalein gives _________ colour with lime water.
(d) When an acidic solution is mixed with a basic solution, they _________ each other forming _________ and water.


(a) Lemon juice and vinegar taste sour because they contain acids .
(b) Turmeric and litmus are natural acid-base indicators.
(c) Phenolphthalein gives pink colour with lime water.
(d) When an acidic solution is mixed with a basic solution, they neutralize each other forming salt and water.

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Question 20:

Boojho, Paheli and their friend Golu were provided with a test tube each containing China rose solution which was pink in colour. Boojho added two drops of solution ‘A’ in his test tube and got dark pink colour. Paheli added 2 drops of solution ‘B’ to her test tube and got green colour. Golu added 2 drops of solution ‘C’ but could not get any change in colour. Suggest the possible cause for the variation in their results.


China rose is an indicator that turns acidic solutions to a dark pink colour and basic solutions to green colour.

  • When Boojho added two drops of solution 'A' in his test tube , he got a dark pink colour. This means that solution 'A' is an acidic solution.
  • When Paheli added 2 drops of solution 'B' to her test tube , she got a green colour. This means that solution 'B' is a basic solution as the china rose solution turns green on addition of a base.
  • When Golu added 2 drops of solution 'C' , he did not get any change in the colour. This implies that solution 'C' is a neutral solution as neutral solutions show no change in colour.
Therefore , solution 'A' is acidic , solution 'B' is basic and solution 'C' is neutral.

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Question 21:

Fill in the cross word given as in the given figure with the help of the clues provided.

(2) The solution which does not change the colour of either red or blue litmus.
(4) Phenolphthalein gives pink colour in this type of solution.
(7) Colour of blue litmus in lemon juice.
(1) It is used to test whether a substance is acidic or basic.
(3) It is a natural indicator and gives pink colour in basic solution.
(5) Nature of ant’s sting.
(6) It is responsible for increase in temperature during a neutralisation reaction.


(2) Neutral
(4) Basic
(7) Red

(1) Indicator
(3) Turmeric
(5) Acidic
(6) Heat

Page No 32:

Question 22:

A farmer was unhappy because of his low crop yield. He discussed the problem with an agricultural scientist and realised that the soil of his field was either too acidic or too basic. What remedy would you suggest the farmer to neutralise the soil?


The suggested remedies for neutralization of the soil are:

  • If the soil is too acidic, it should be treated with bases such as quick lime( calcium oxide) or slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) which can neutralize the excess acid in the soil.
  • If the soil is too basic , organic matter should be added to it. Organic matter releases acids which neutralize the basic nature of the soil.

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Question 23:

You are provided with four test tubes containing sugar solution, baking soda solution, tamarind solution, salt solution. Write down an activity to find the nature (acidic/basic/neutral) of each solution.


Litmus solution can be used to identify the nature of each solution whether it is acidic/basic/neutral.

The activity can be performed as follows:

Add the blue litmus solution and then the red litmus solution into the test tubes containing sugar solution, baking soda solution , tamarind solution and salt solution. The colour changes in the solutions can be used to identify the nature of the solution.
The following changes are observed:

  • Sugar and salt solution show no change in colour and hence , they are neutral in nature.
  • Baking soda turns red litmus to blue which shows that it is basic in nature.
  • Tamarind solution turns blue litmus solution to red which shows that it is acidic in nature.


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Question 24:

You are provided with three test tubes A, B and C as shown in the given figure with different liquids. What will you observe when you put
(a) a piece of blue litmus paper in each test tube.
(b) a piece of red litmus paper in each test tube.
(c) a few drops of phenolphthalein solution to each test tube.



(a) When a piece of blue litmus paper is added in all the test tubes 'A','B' and 'C' then:
In test tube 'A' , blue litmus turns to red as tartaric acid is acidic in nature.
In test tube 'B' , blue litmus remains blue as soap solution is basic in nature , so, no change observed.
in test tube 'C' , blue litmus remains blue as pure water is neutral in nature.

(b)When a piece of red litmus paper is added in all the test tubes 'A','B' and 'C' then:
In test tube 'A' , red litmus remains red as tartaric acid is acidic in nature , so , no colour change observed.
In test tube 'B' , red litmus turns to blue as soap solution is basic in nature.
In test tube 'C' , red litmus remains red as pure water is neutral in nature.

(c)When a few drops of phenolphthalein solution is added to each test tube , then:
In test tube 'A' , solution remains colourless as tartaric acid is acidic in nature.
In test tube 'B', solution turns pink on addition of phenolphthalein as soap solution is basic in nature.
In test tube 'C', solution remains colourless as pure water is neutral in nature.


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Question 25:

Paheli observed that most of the fish in the pond of her village were gradually dying. She also observed that the waste of a factory in their village is flowing into the pond which probably caused the fish to die.
(a) Explain why the fish were dying.
(b) If the factory waste is acidic in nature, how can it be neutralised?


(a) Since factory waste is disposed off in the river, it can kill the fish because factory waste consists of acids and other toxic chemicals which are harmful for aquatic life.
(b) If the factory waste is acidic in nature, it can be neutralized using basic substances such as quick lime or slaked lime.

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Question 26:

Explain two neutralisation reactions related to daily life situation.


The two neutralization reactions related to daily life situation are:

(a) Ant's sting : Ant's sting releases formic acid into the skin. It can be neutralized by rubbing moist baking soda or putting calamine lotion because they are basic in nature.

(b) Acidity : Due to indigestion, too much acid is produced in the stomach that leads to acidity. This can be controlled by taking antacids like milk of magnesia which neutralises the effect of excessive acid..

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