Science Ncert Exemplar 2019 Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource are provided here with simple step-by-step explanations. These solutions for Water: A Precious Resource are extremely popular among class 7 students for Science Water: A Precious Resource Solutions come handy for quickly completing your homework and preparing for exams. All questions and answers from the Science Ncert Exemplar 2019 Book of class 7 Science Chapter 16 are provided here for you for free. You will also love the ad-free experience on Meritnation’s Science Ncert Exemplar 2019 Solutions. All Science Ncert Exemplar 2019 Solutions for class 7 Science are prepared by experts and are 100% accurate.

Page No 84:

Question 1:

Which of the following does not show water shortage?
(a) Taps running dry.
(b) Long queues for getting water.
(c) Marches and protests for demand of water.
(d) A family gets three buckets of water per person per day.


United nations recommend 50 litres of water per person per day for drinking, washing, cooking and cleaning. This amount is about two and a half buckets of water per person per day. Therefore, a family getting three buckets of water per person per day does not show water shortage.

Hence, the correct answer is option (d).

Page No 84:

Question 2:

Seas and oceans are full of water on earth. However, a very small percentage of water present on earth is available for us. This percentage is roughly
(a) 0.006%.
(b) 0.06%.
(c) 0.6%.
(d) 6%.


 Almost all the water on the earth is contained in the seas and oceans, rivers, lakes, ice caps, as groundwater and in the atmosphere. However, most of this water is not fit for human consumption directly. The water that is available and fit for our use is freshwater which is only 0.006% of the total water present on earth.

​Hence, the correct answer is option (a).

Page No 84:

Question 3:

Which of the following are not the liquid forms of water?
(i) Snow
(ii) Lake water
(iii) River water
(iv) Water vapour
(v) Ice
Choose the correct combination from the options below.
(a) (i), (iv) and (v)      (b) (i) and (ii)
(c) (ii) and (iii)           (d) (iv) only


Snow and ice are solid forms and water vapour is the gaseous form of water.

​Hence, the correct answer is option (a).

Page No 84:

Question 4:

A man digging the ground near a water body found that the soil was moist. As he kept digging deeper and deeper he reached a level where all the spaces between particles of soil and gaps between rocks were filled with water. The upper limit of this layer is called
(a) water level.
(b) water table.
(c) ground water.
(d) water limit.


The upper limit of this layer is known as the water table. This water table varies from place to place. At some places it may be less than a metre deep while at other places it may be as deep as 100 metres or more.

Hence, the correct answer is option (b).

Page No 85:

Question 5:

Which of the following is a way to use water economically?
(a) Construction of bawris
(b) Rainwater harvesting
(c) Drip irrigation
(d) Infiltration


Drip irrigation is the best way to use water economically with minimum wastage as in this process water is allowed to fall drop by drop from a pipe, just near the roots of plants.

​Hence, the correct answer is option (c).

Page No 85:

Question 6:

On which of the following day is World Water Day observed?
(a) 22 March
(b) 14 November
(c) 2 October
(d) 21 December


Word water day is observed on 22 March.

Hence, the correct answer is option (a).

Page No 85:

Question 7:

The amount of water recommended by the United Nations for drinking, washing, cooking and maintaining proper hygiene per person per day is a minimum of
(a) 5 litres
(b) 15 litres
(c) 30 litres
(d) 50 litres


According to United Nations, minimum 50 litres of water is required per person per day for drinking, washing, cooking and maintaining proper hygiene.

Hence, the correct answer is option (d).

Page No 85:

Question 8:

“Every Drop Counts” is a slogan related to
(a) counting of drops of any liquid.
(b) counting of water drops.
(c) importance of water.
(d) importance of counting.


“Every Drop Counts” is a slogan related to importance of water. It emphasizes to use every drop of water cautiously and not waste water.

Hence, the correct answer is option (c).

Page No 85:

Question 9:

Water cycle does not involve which of the following?
(a) Evaporation
(b) Condensation
(c) Formation of clouds
(d) Rainwater harvesting


Water constantly moves from the earth to the atmosphere and comes back to the earth again. This constant circulation of water in nature is known as the water cycle. Water cycle does not involve rainwater harvesting. Rainwater harvesting is a man made phenomenon to store rainwater.

Hence, the correct answer is option (d).

Page No 85:

Question 10:

Which of the following inhibits the seepage of rainwater into ground?
(a) A pukka floor
(b) Playground
(c) Grass lawn
(d) Forest land


A pukka floor does not allow water to seep into the ground easily, whereas on a playground, grass lawn and forest land, water seeps through in no time.

Hence, the correct answer is option (a).

Page No 86:

Question 11:

State whether the following statements are True or False. If false, write the correct statement.
(a) Water vapour is the gaseous form of water.
(b) Ice is solid whereas snow is the semi-solid form of water.
(c) Ocean water cannot be used for domestic purposes.
(d) Rapid growth of industries is one of the causes for water shortage.


(a) True
(b) False, snow is also a solid form of water.
(c) True
(d) True

Page No 86:

Question 12:

Some definitions are given below which can be corrected by changing one word. Correct them.
(a) Aquifer is ground water stored between layers of hard rock above the water table.
(b) The process of evaporation of water in the ground is called infiltration.
(c) The evaporation of water from oceans and its arrival back into oceans is called vapour cycle.


(a) Aquifer is groundwater stored between layers of hard rock below the water table.
(b) The process of seepage of water in the ground is called infiltration.
​(c) The evaporation of water from oceans and its arrival back into oceans is called water cycle.

Page No 86:

Question 13:

What is the source of water in each of the following ?
(a) Wells
(b) Ground
(c) Atmosphere


(a) Wells – Groundwater
(b) Ground – Rain
(c) Atmosphere – Evaporation

Page No 86:

Question 14:

State whether the following statements are True or False. If false, give the correct statement.
(a) The process of seeping of water into ground is called filtration.
(b) 51% of the earth’s surface is covered with water.
(c) Year 2003 was observed as the International Year of Freshwater.
(d) Snow and ice both are solid forms of water.


(a) False. The process of seeping of water into the ground is called infiltration.
(b) False. 71% of earth's surface is covered with water.
(c) True
(d) True

Page No 86:

Question 15:

Fill in the blanks in the given passage.
The rainwater and ________________ from other sources such as rivers and ponds seeps through the ______________ and fills the empty spaces and cracks deep below the ground. The process of seeping of water into the ground is called ______________.


The rainwater and water from other sources such as rivers and ponds seeps through the soil and fills the empty spaces and cracks deep below the ground. The process of seeping of water into the ground is called infiltration.

Page No 87:

Question 16:

Fill in the blanks and complete the story selecting words from the box given here.
cold, demand, leaders, dry, hot, scarcity, workers, wet, oceans, harvesting, rivers
Rajasthan is a _________ and dry place. The challenge of natural _______ of water was met by a successful experiment. A band of social ________ had transformed a _________ area into a green place. They have revived five dried-up ________ by constructing water ___________ structures.


Rajasthan is a hot and dry place. The challenge of natural scarcity of water was met by a successful experiment. A band of social workers had transformed a dry area into a green place. They have revived five dried-up rivers by constructing water harvesting structures.

Page No 87:

Question 17:

Place the following statements in a proper order to form a meaningful paragraph.
(a) Which in turn decreases the seepage of rain water into the ground.
(b) This decreases the open areas like park, and playgrounds.
(c) Increasing population create demand for construction of houses, shops, offices, roads and pavements.
(d) This results in depletion of water table and creates scarcity of more water.


The correct order of statements is given as:
(c) Increasing population create demand for construction of houses, shops, offices, roads and pavements.
(b) This decreases the open areas like parks and playgrounds.
(a) Which in turn decreases the seepage of rain water into the ground.
​(d) This results in depletion of water table and creates scarcity of more water.

Page No 87:

Question 18:

How can you observe the three forms of water in (i) nature and (ii) at home?


(i) In nature, we can observe the solid form of water as falling snow, hails etc. The liquid form of water can be observed as rain or in water bodies such as rivers, lakes, oceans etc. Although we cannot see water in its gaseous state in nature, but we can feel it in the air on a hot, humid day.

(ii) We can observe the three forms of water i.e., ice (solid), water (liquid), steam (gaseous) at home.

Page No 87:

Question 19:

Complete the given table

Form of water Process of which formed Location where found
(a) liquid    
(b) solid    
(c) gaseous    


Form of water Process of which formed Location where found
(a) liquid Condensation Water bodies like oceans, river, sea etc.
(b) solid Freezing High mountains, poles, glaciers etc.
(c) gaseous Evaporation Atmosphere

Page No 88:

Question 20:

Match Column I with Column II

Column I Column II
(a) ground water (i) solid from water
(b) bawri (ii) wastage from water
(c) snow (iii) water management
(d) drip irrigation (iv) small water
(e) leaking taps (v) water table


The correct match between column I and column II is given as:
 (a) → (v), (b) → (iv), (c) → (i), (d) → (iii), (e) → (ii)

Page No 88:

Question 21:

A list of jumbled words are given here. Write the correct form of each word.


(d) SNOW

Page No 88:

Question 22:

From where do the following usually get water? In which form is water present in them?
(a) Clouds                  (b) Plants
(c) Mountain tops     (d) Aquifer
(e) Animals


(a) Clouds get water from water vapour present in the air and water is present in gaseous form in them.
(b) Plants get water from soil and water is present in liquid form in them.
(c) Mountain tops get water from the snow and glaciers and water is present in solid form in them.
(d) Aquifers get water from groundwater and water is present in liquid form in them.
(e) Animals get from lakes and rivers and water is present in liquid form in them.

Page No 88:

Question 23:

Complete the following chart by writing appropriate words in the boxes marked (a) to (e).


Page No 88:

Question 24:

What is ground water? What are the sources of water which are fed by ground water?


The water found below the water table is called groundwater.
The sources of water which are fed by ground water are rainwater, water in rivers, ponds, wells, tube wells or hand pumps. At places the groundwater is stored between layers of hard rock below the water table. This is known as an aquifer. 

Page No 88:

Question 25:

Water is very precious for all the living beings. What will happen in future if we do not save water now?


We may face the following problems in future if we do not save water now:

  • The plants will dry up because they would not get water to uptake nutrients from the soil to prepare their food.
  • Agricultural activities will suffer because water is needed for irrigation.
  • Water for daily activities like bathing, washing, etc. would have to be purchased at high prices.
  • The production in industries will be impacted because almost everything that we use needs water somewhere in its production process. 
  • The consumption of contaminated water in water scarce regions would lead to widespread water borne diseases. 

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