Maharashtra Board Class 11 Biology Syllabus for 2014-15

For the year 2014-15, students of Maharashtra Board Class 11 will study from a highly constructive syllabus for Biology. The syllabus for Class 11 Biology has been prepared with a lot of thought put into the step by step development of students' interest in the subject. One can study more about topics like Biochemistry of cell, Cell Division, Morphology of Flowering Plants, Plant Water Relations and Mineral Nutrition and Plant Growth and Development and Kingdom Animalia, in the prescribed syllabus for Class 11 Biology.


The prescribed syllabus is expected to

1. Promote the inherent skill of observation.

2. Assist to understand the underlying principles of biological sciences and thereby develop scientific attitude towards biological phenomena.

3. Help students to understand the functioning of organisms.

4. Make students aware of issues of global importance.

5. Guide students to perform easy experiments for better understanding of biological principles and to develop experimental skills required in practical work.

6. Create awareness about the contribution of biology to human welfare.

Unit wise distribution of chapters:

Section I - Botany

Unit 1 - Diversity in Living World:

Chapter 1- Diversity in organisms

Chapter 2 - Kingdom Plantae

Unit 2 - Structure and function of cell :

Chapter 3 - Biochemistry of cell

Chapter 4 Cell Division

Unit 3 - Structural organization in plants :

Chapter 5 - Morphology of Plants

Unit 4 - Plant Physiology

Chapter 6 - Plant Water Relations and Mineral Nutrition :

Chapter 7 - Plant Growth and Development: Seed dormancy

Section II – Zoology

Unit 1 - Diversity in Living World :

Chapter 8 - Kingdom Animalia

Unit 2 - Structure and function of cell :

Chapter 9 - Organization of Cell

Unit 3 - Structural organization in Animals:

Chapter 10- Study of Animal Tissues

Chapter 11- Study of Animal Type

Unit 4 - Human Physiology

Chapter 12- Human Nutrition

Chapter 13- Human Respiration

Chapter 14 - Human skeleton and Locomotion

Practicals :

(A) List of experiments:

1. Study of parts of compound microscope.

2. Preparation of T. S. of dicot (sunflower) and monocot roots and stem to study different plant tissues.

3. Study and describe three locally available flowering plants from the families- Solanaceae, Fabaceae and Liliaceae with respect to types of root-(tap and adventitious), stem (herbaceous and woody), leaf (arrangement, shape, venation, simple and compound) and floral characters.

4. Study of plasmolysis in epidermal peels.

5. Study of osmosis by Potato osmometer

6. Study of structure and distribution of stomata in upper and lower surface of leaf.

7. To test the presence of sugar, starch, proteins and fats from suitable plant and animal materials.

8. To study the digestion of starch by salivary amylase under different conditions of temperature and pH.

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