Smart Prep for Exams Coming Soon!

Smart Prep for Exams-blog - 2020

The wait is over! Smart Prep is back to help all you students step up your game and prepare for the upcoming examination just the right way.  Starting this December, Meritnation Premium students will get exclusive theme-based content every week that will help them channelize their preparation in the right direction. So get ready to work on all your exam-related issues from … [Read more...]

How to be the Parent your Child needs during Exams

Exams are a strenuous time, no matter how prepared your child is. Regardless of whether your child is the hardworking, diligent kind or the kind that likes to prepare at the last moment, the nerves, the anxiety and, at times, the unwillingness to study are all part of a student’s pre-exam regimen. What, you might ask, can you do to make these exams less of a burden for your … [Read more...]