Draw the position- time graph for

  1. stationary body
  2. +ve velocity
  3. -ve velocity
  4. zero velocity
  5. +ve acceleration
  6. -ve acceleration
  7. zero acceleration
  8. uniform displacement
  9. zero displacement
  10. uniform distance

remember that ds/dt = the slope of line gives velocity

and d2s/dt2     the rate of change of slope gives acceleration

  • -2

(I made correction in zero displacement plot and reposted it)


remember that ds/dt = the slope of line gives velocity

and d2s/dt2 the rate of change of slope gives acceleration

  • 2

Sorry brother in your second question you asked velocity-time graph and by mistake I posted position-time graphs. My answer has been certified in that question. So i will post v-t graph here.

  • 1
What are you looking for?