Travelling in train gives a bitter as well as sweet experience as one can see so many activities going on there in great haste.Write in 125 words the factual description of the inside of the railway carriage you were travelling in.

This topic should be approached like an essay. You can try writing on this topic, based on the following points:

  • While travelling in a train the first thing we observe are our co-passengers.
  • Trains are the favorite place for hawkers. 
  • You will come across hawkers selling different types of items from food stuffs to toys to pens etc.
  • Trains also reflect the poverty of India, when beggars come asking for alms.
  • Then again it is an interesting experience as well, if we interact with our co-passengers. On long journeys short friendships are often forged with our co-passengers!
  • The beauty of a train journey lies within the compartment, as well as, outside. If we look out of the window we can see the beauty and diversity of our country flasing past us.

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