what does the author think of the Afican petriots and of himself ?????

Nelson Mandela has written about his speech when he was sworn in as the President of South Africa. He remembers all the patriots of his country proudly. He does not ignore the fact that independence has been achieved only through the efforts and sacrifices of men whose courage and determination played a significant role in bringing about the political change in South Africa. He pays his tribute to leaders like Oliver Tambo and Yusuf Dadoo, who struggled to free South Africa from the chains of brutality and oppression. Mandela declares the fact that apart from being a country rich in minerals and gems, South Africa has also produced great men who are the real wealth of the country. Mandela had seen very tough times in the course of his struggle and learnt the meaning of courage from the people who laid down their lives for the country. According to him, a brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers fear. 

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