Subject: English, asked on 10/6/16

Subject: English, asked on 14/6/15

Chapter – 14
  1. Choose the correct adverb from the box to complete the sentence below.
Finally partially hardly thoroughly really quickly safely once thrice rather fast initially anywhere loudly inside A girl was trapped ………… a compartment when the train caught fire. All that I thought of at that moment was to bring the girl out of the fire ……………… . I tried entering the compartment through the emergency window …………… and …………… through the half open door. It was …………… difficult because the train was running ……………… . I jumped into the compartment through the door. ……………… I could not find the girl …………… . I ………… could out for her. …………… I found her behind a sack full of sugar. She was …………… unconscious. She could keep her eyes open. I …………… shook her to wake her up. The fire was becoming …………… bad. I ………… held her tight and jumped out of train.
  1. Fill in the blanks using the adverbs you have formed on the previous page.
Priya is the class teacher of class VII. She maintains discipline in her class very ………….. . Her students love her very much as she is very ……………… with them.
Today, the principal found the student of priya’s class loitering …………….. in the corridor, ………………… talking and singing during the lunch break. She sent for Priya …………….. . When asked for an explanation, Priya told the principal how her students …………….. behind in a …………………. disciplined way. Today the class had won the interschool quiz trophy, so the students were found running around …………………, singing ………………… and cheering around the school ……………… . Her ……………… concern for her students pleased the principal very much. The principal accepted her justification ……………… and warned her students to be careful next time. She came out of the principal’s room ………………, feeling content with her ability to handle the situation …………….. .
  1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adverbs.
a.His father has ……………… arrived. (just/justly)
b.They live a very ……………. life. (low/lowly)
c.I’ve ………………. Finished this work. (near/ nearly)
d.Priya hates it when her students arrive ……………. for the class. (late/lately)
e.………………, they have been coming on time. (late/lately)
f.It is ………………… to find a shop here. (hard/hardly)
g.They were ……………. punished for their mischief. (just/justly)
h.There is ……………… any population around. (hard/hardly)
i.You are running …………… of time. (short/shortly)
j.I will report to you …………….. . (short/shortly)

  1. You work …………. (hard) than anyone in this class. None of your friends work as ……………. (hard) as you do. Remember only those who work the …………… (hard) will receive the desirable result at the end.
  2. Riddhi spoke very …………… (gently) to you. But you answered back so rudely. Don’t you think that you should speak …………… (gently) to your friends? In fact, Riddhi behaves ……………. (gently) in the entire class. One should learn this quality from her.
  3. Jaya felt ………….. (bad) when she fell down. She felt ……………. (bad) when nobody came forward to help her.
  4. I refuse to comment as I seem to know ……………… (little) than necessary information is not available.

Subject: English, asked on 4/1/16

Dear Expert ( Ms.SutapaChatterji)Please answer all questions without leaving any question. We are asking only those questions when we fail to do it. It is sincerely requested to please answer all questions instead of answering only one question and again instructing us to answerothers. Prepositions and AdverbsPlease complete these sentences by adding prepositions or adverbs.
  1. I have worked………………………the answers to ten problems.
  2. When can you give me…………………………………………the book I lent you?
  3. It isn’t your book. It belongs……………………………… me.
  4. I don’t want to quarrel………………………. You………………………a little book.
  5. I don’t care……………………..the book either.
  6. The bandits burnt ……………………………………the village.
  7. Daying asked…………………………three bowls of soup.
  8. Will you look…………………… cat while I am away?
  9. I will arrange………………………………… sister to feed you cat.
  10. I will pay you………………… the cat’s food.
  11. I will talk it…………………….with my sister tomorrow.
  12. If you forget to feed him, he will run………………………….
  13. Don’t worry…………………………the cat. He will soon settle…………………..with me.
  14. The teacher gave…………………………..the exercise book to the class.
  15. Put…………………………….your toys when you have finished playing …………………………them.
  16. John rang………………………..the cinema and tried to book two seats.
  17. The dentist took…………………………two of my teeth.
  18. Come…………………………., Mary! You are slowing…………………………the others.
  19. She spent all her money……………………….her father’s present.
  20. Kill the snake before it can get…………………………….into the grass.
  21. The baby is ill. Send………………………the doctor at once.
  22. You must choose………………………..going to the pictures and doing you homework.
  23. If you don’t know how to spell a word, look it ……………………………in a dictionary.
  24. The room was so dark that she put……………………both lights.
  25. Some thieves broke………………………..the house and took……………………………….some silver ornaments.
  26. The car ran……………………..a lamp-post and turned.
  27. She took………………………one hat and put………………………………another.
  28. Have you written………………………….all their names? Don’t leave anyone.
  29. When you try the dress, see if it fits. If it is too long we must take it…………………………. And if it is too short we will let it………………………………….
  30. It’s raining hard. Let’s put……………………….our picnic until tomorrow.
  31. You cannot rely…………………………John to help you. He will let you…………………………….
  32. He saved………………………..his pocket money for weeks.
  33. I think I can cut ……………………………two dresses from this material.
  34. Let’s put………………………….the light and go……………………..sleep.
  35. When he grows……………………….he is going to be a teacher.
  36. Don’t forget to lock ……………………………the house when you go out.
  37. Krishna has entered………………….the high jump competition.
  38. Go……………………this pile of books and tell me if you come…………………….an interesting one.
  39. For three years he lived………………………..nothing but rice and fish.
  40. You must send…………………………your application by the end of the month.
  41. You will have to sing very loudly to make………………………..the people who are absent.
  42. Come…………………… my house after supper.
  43. Several villages were cut………………………… floods last week.
  44. Don’t look ……………….now but someone is following us.
  45. Take ………………………..your muddy shoes before you come…………………..the house.
  46. You’re very sleepy this morning. Did you stay……………………..late last night?
  47. My brother is going……………………………a voyage…………………………………..the world.
  48. Are you going to see him………………………..?
  49. Yes, if I can find…………………………….what time the boat sails.
  50. Biswajit has asked me…………………………………to supper.
  51. Come………………………from that pool. It’s dangerous.
  52. Mary is a very polite girl. She handed………………………………..the cakes at tea time and then, when there weren’t enough, she went…………………………herself.
  53. You put the clock…………………………and now it is fast. You will have to put it……………………….again.
  54. The pain is beginning to wear………………………………
  55. Now the examination is over, you can sit………………………………..and relax.

Subject: English, asked on 23/12/13

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