Subject: English, asked on 2/9/18

1. Read the first eight lines of the Poem ‘The Beggar Maid’ and answer the following questions

1. Why did the beggar maid place her hand across her breast?
2. How did the beggar maid appear before the king?
3. Who was Cophetua?
4. Why did the king step down from the palace?
5. How did the king step down from the palace?
6. What did the lords say about her beauty?
7. “t`s no wonder” What was no wonder?
8. Who said that she was more beautiful than day?
9. Find out the figure of speech employed in the line “ She is more beautiful than day “
10. Find out the rhyming scheme?

1. To show respect / she was not neatly dressed.
2. Barefooted and by laying her hands across her breast.
3. An Ethiopian King
4. To meat and greet the beggar maid
5. In robe and crown
6. They said that she was more beautiful than day.
7. The beggar maid was more beautiful than day.
8. The lords
9. Hyperbole.
10. ab,ab, ….

2. Read the Second eight lines of the Poem ‘The Beggar Maid’ and answer the following questions

1. How was the beggar maid seen in her poor attire?
2. Find out an example for ‘simile’ in these lines?
3. What is the beggar maid compared to?
4. Find out a word with the same meaning ‘dress’?
5. How was her mien?
6. What was the royal Oath?
7. Find out a few rhyming words?
8. The beggar maid was the most beautiful woman in the land. Quote the lines which tell you this?


1. As shines the moon in clouded skies
2. She was……………………………………….
3. An angel / as the moon shines in the clouded skies.
4. Attire.
5. Lovesome
6. The beggar maid shall be his queen.
7. Skies, Eyes Seen, Mien Been, Queen
8.” So sweet ……………………in all that land had never been

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