Subject: English, asked on 7/8/18

Read the following passage carefully :

Crown prince Jung Jung Bahadur grew taller and stronger day by day. No other miracle marked his childhood days apart from the event already described. The boy drank the milk of an English cow, was brought up by an English nanny, tutored in English by an Englishman, saw nothing but English films-exactly as the crown princes of all the other Indian states did. When he came of age at twenty, the State, which had been with the Court of Wards until then, came into his hands.

But everyone in the kingdom remembered the astrologers prediction. Many continued to discuss the matter. Slowly it came to the Maharajas ears.

There were innumerable forests in the Pratibandapuram State. They had tigers in them. The Maharaja knew the old saying, You may kill even a cow in self-defence. There could certainly be no objection to killing tigers in self-defence. The Maharaja started out on a tiger hunt.

The Maharaja was thrilled beyond measures when he killed his first tiger. He sent for the State astrologer and showed him the dead beast.

What do you say now ? he demanded.

Your majesty may kill ninety-nine tigers in exactly the same manner. But the astrologer drawled.

But what ? Speak without fear.

But you must be very careful with the hundredth tiger.

What if the hundredth tiger were also killed ?

Then I will tear up all my books on astrology, set fire to them, and..


I shall cut off my tuft, crop my hair short and become an insurance agent, the astrologer finished on an incoherent note.

From that day onwards it was celebration time for all the tigers inhabiting Pratibandapuram. The State banned tiger hunting by anyone except the Maharaja. A proclamation was issued to the effect that if anyone dared to fling so much as a stone at a tiger, all his wealth and property would be confiscated.

The Maharaja vowed he would attend to all other matters only after killing the hundred tigers. Initially the king seemed well set to realise his ambition.

Not that he faced no dangers. There were times when the bullet missed its mark, the tiger leapt upon him and he fought the beast with his bare hands. Each time it was the Maharaja who won.

At another time he was in danger of losing his throne. A high-ranking British officer visited Pratibandapuram. He was very fond of hunting tigers. And fonder of being photographed with the tigers he had shot. As usual, he wished to hunt tigers in Pratibandapuram. But the Maharaja was firm in his resolve. He refused permission. I can organize any other hunt. You may go on a boar hunt. You may conduct a mouse hunt. We are ready for a mosquito hunt. But tiger hunt ! Thats impossible!

The British officers secretary sent word to the Maharaja through the dewan that the durai himself did not have to kill the tiger. The Maharaja could do the actual killing. What was important to the durai was a photograph of himself holding the gun and standing over the tigers carcass. But the Maharaja would not agree even to this proposal. If he relented now, what would he do if other British officers turned up for tiger hunts? Because he prevented a British officer from fulfilling his desire, the Maharaja stood in danger of losing his kingdom itself.

1. Answer the following questions briefly :

(a) What kind of films did the crown prince see ?

(b) When did the state come into the Kings hands ?

2. Complete the given passage with suitable words.

The King was in (a) of losing his kingdom. A high-ranking (b) officer visited Pratibandapuram. He wanted to (c) tigers. But the Maharaja was (d) in his resolve.

3. Find the words from the passage that mean the following :

(i) succumbed (ii) stopped by law

Subject: English, asked on 16/1/22

1. Read the passage carefully:
I. Think about all the factors that can interfere with a good night’s sleep — from work stress
and family responsibilities to unexpected challenges, such as illnesses. It’s no wonder that
quality sleep is sometimes elusive. While you might not be able to control the factors that
interfere with your sleep, you can adopt habits that encourage better sleep. Set aside no more
than eight hours for sleep. The recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult is at least
seven hours. Most people don’t need more than eight hours in bed to achieve this goal. Go to
bed and get up at the same time every day. Try to limit the difference in your sleep schedule
on weeknights and weekends to no more than one hour. Being consistent reinforces your
body’s sleep-wake cycle. If you don’t fall asleep within about 20 minutes, leave your
bedroom and do something relaxing. Read or listen to soothing music. Go back to bed when
you’re tired. Repeat as needed. Don’t go to bed hungry or stuffed. In particular, avoid heavy
or large meals within a couple of hours to bedtime. Your discomfort might keep you up.
Don’t drink caffeine before sleep. The stimulating effects of caffeine take hours to wear off
and can wreak havoc on quality sleep.
Create a room that’s ideal for sleeping. Often, this means cool, dark and quiet.
II. Exposure to light might make it more challenging to fall asleep. Avoid prolonged use of
light-emitting screens just before bedtime. Consider using room-darkening shades, earplugs,
a fan or other devices to create an environment that suits your needs. Doing calming activities
before bedtime, such as taking a bath or using relaxation techniques, might promote better
sleep. Long daytime naps can interfere with night-time sleep. If you choose to nap, limit
yourself to up to 30 minutes and avoid doing so late in the day. If you work nights,
however, you might need to nap late in the day before work to help make up your sleep debt.
Regular physical activity can promote better sleep. Avoid being active too close to bedtime;
however, spending time outside every day might be helpful, too.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions
by choosing the correct option.

1. According to the passage, one must not keep aside more than how many hours to sleep?
(a) 5 hours (b) 6 hours (c) 8 hours (d) 12 hours
2. Select the option that suitably completes the dialogue with reference to paragraph I.
Tom: Doctor, my son sleeps during day hours and then studies till late at night.
Dr. Pam: This is not a good habit Tom. For a healthy person , night sleep _________
(a) should ideally range between 7-8 hours.

(b) wreaks havoc for quality sleep.
(c) is induced better with consumption of caffeine.
(d) get better with heavy dinner.
3. Choose the option that best conveys the message in – ‘Being consistent reinforces your
body’s sleep-wake cycle.’
(a) We can indefinitely extend sleep hours on weekends.
(b) We should take half hour nap during day.
(c) The room should be cool and quiet.
(d) We should try to sleep and get up on same time
every day.
4. One should ____________ heavy meals before bedtime.
(a) eat (b) avoid (c) start (d) stop
5. Select the option with the underlined words that can suitably replace elusive (paragraph I).
(a) The answer was difficult to remember for all the students.
(b) The path to her house was hazy and littered.
(c) A sparkling clear liquid spread all over the floor.
(d) Rahul fainted as he did not have his breakfast.
6. A negative prefix is one which gives the root word, a negative meaning - ‘opposite of’.
From the options
given below, select a negative prefix that appears in the para I.
(a) asleep (b) reinforces c) discomfort (d) achieve
7. Choose the option that CORRECTLY states the two correct aspects related to a good
night’s sleep as stated in the passage.
(1) We should adopt habits that encourage better sleep.
(2) Book a room for sleeping.
(3) Eat just before going to bed for a good sleep.
(4) Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
(5) Long day time naps are for a good night sleep.
(a) (1) and (4) (b) (2) and (3) (c) (3) and (5) (d) (4) and (5)
8. Which of the following describes an ideal sleeping environment:
(a) A cool, dark, and quiet environment.
(b) Noisy environment.
(c) Outside area.
(d) Moving vehicle.
9. What does the writer advise in paragraph I?
(a) We should not go to bed feeling lazy.
(b) We should not go to bed hungry or stuffed.
(c) We should have coffee before going to bed.
(d) Eat just before going to bed for a good sleep.
10. Choose the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from the given quotes.
(a) “Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our
bodies together.” — Thomas Dekker
(b) “Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.”
—Joseph Pilates
(c) “You can’t control what goes on outside, but you can

control what goes on inside.” — Wayne Dyer
(d) “Sleep awaits those of us who dare to dream.”
—Anthony T. Hincks

Subject: English, asked on 20/4/14

plz answer this now i have test

Q1. Read the passage given below carefully : (10 Marks)A Rose For The QueenThere was not a man in the Mughal Empire who did not know of Jahangirs love for his queen, Noor Jahan. As was the custom of the time, Jahangir had many queens, all of them beautiful and talented. But Noor Jahan, the chief queen was special. She was the epitome of grace, beauty and talent. She was also an intelligent woman who understood statecraft and was unscathed by palace intrigues. Jahangir had found in her an invaluable friend and counsellor. She even shared his leisure pursuits, going so far as to accompany him on his hunting expeditions. In fact, Noor Jahan was an excellent shot and once, surprised and delighted her husband by bringing down a ferocious tiger with a single arrow. In appreciation of Noor Jahans accomplishment, Jahangir showered her with gifts. He took great pleasure in giving her anything she liked. And Noor Jahan liked a great many things shimmering silks embroidered with gold and silver and rainbow coloured threads, jewellery, etc. Once Jahangir gifted her an emerald which was the size of a small walnut. Another time, he gave her a cluster of rubies set in a pendant. Noor Jahan loved to design her own jewellery and some of it was elegant enough to be appreciated by the emperor as well. In an effort to give Noor Jahan, the best of everything, Jahangir took her to Kashmir every year. For two long months, they escaped the heat of the plains and enjoyed the beauty of nature.Noor Jahan loved these sojourns in Kashmir. She loved the sparkling streams and the beautiful, colourful flowers that bloomed all over the meadows and the hillsides. But there was one thing she loved in particular, and that was a rose that bloomed in summer, on a single bush, in a garden at the foot of a mountain in Kashmir. The wasnt white and it wasnt pink, but a bit of both. The petals had frilly, rose tinted edges that looked like the work of an artist with a clever brush. And its scent was out of this world. In Agra, all the year around, Noor Jahan waited for the day when she would go to Kashmir and set her eyes on the rose again.She craved to go to Kashmir and see that ethereally beautiful rose that had been planted in the gardens of Kashmir by one of the most famed gardeners. The rose only bloomed in the summer season and if one missed an opportunity, it would be the next year.I. Complete the following statements briefly : (1x6 = 6 Marks) Noor Jahan was a special queen because _______ .Jahangir had found in Noor Jahan a _______ .Jahangir gifted Noor Jahan ______ .Jahangir and Noor Jahan craved to escape to ______ .Noor Jahan loved the ______ in Kashmir.But Noor Jahans delight was the _____II. Answer the following questions briefly : (1x2 = 2 Marks)How was Noor Jahan known to be an intelligent woman?Describe the rose flower.III. Find the words in the passage which mean the same as the words (1x2 = 2 Marks) given below :(a). Unharmed (b). Getaway

Subject: English, asked on 14/6/15

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions by writing the option that you consider the most appropriate :-

Dance is an art form that generally refers to movement of the body, usually rhythmic and to music, used as a form of expression, social interaction or presented in a spiritual or performance setting. Gymnastics, figure skating and synchronized swimming are sports that incorporate dance, while martial arts karate are often compared to dances.
Motion in ordinarily inanimate objects may also be described as dance (the leaves dance in the wind). Every dance no matter what style, has something in common. It not only involves flexibility and body movement, but also physics. If the proper physics is not taken into consideration injuries may occur. Choreography is the art of creating dances.
The people who creates (i.e. choreographs) a dance is known as the choreographer. Dance has certainly been an important part of ceremony, rituals, celebrations and entertainment since the birth of the earliest human civilizations. Archeology delivers trace of dance from prehistoric times such as the 9000 yaers old Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka painting in India and Egyptian tomb painting depicting dancing figures from circa 3300 BC.
Once the earliest structured uses of dances may have been in the performance and in the telling of myths. Before the production of written languages dances was one of the methods of passing these stories down from generation to generation.

1) An art form in which people move ________ is called dance.
(a) Spiritually (b) rhythmically (c) expressingly (d) humorously

2) While writing in a poetic mood, the writer may use the word dance to describe the ________ of some object.
(a) movement (b) beauty (c) rhythm (d) velocity

3) To avoid being hurt one should consider the ________ of object and its movements while dancing.
(a) flexibility (b) style (c) physics (d) body movement

4) Before the script of writing was produced, dance used to be a ________ from one generation to another.
(a) mode of passing information (b) mode of passing stories (c) mode of sharing experiences (d) mode of narrating events

5) A word in the passage which means the same as "lifeless" is ________
(a) animate (b) unanimate (c) inanimate (d) motionless

Subject: English, asked on 24/12/14

Q1. Read the following passage carefully: (5 marks)
I am very fond of atlases. As a child I used to find it difficult to lay my hands on
an atlas. So when we started the Foundation at Infosys, I decided to distribute
atlases free of cost to schools so that children could see the country and the world
and the vastness of the planet they lived in.
One day as I was coming back from my work at dusk I saw some cattle coming
back after grazing. I smelled the wonderful aroma of fresh groundnuts in the air.
A man was selling fresh groundnuts in front of the local school. It was quite
irresistible. I decided to buy a kilo of groundnuts from him. The man, obviously
a farmer was selling his product directly to customers passing that way.
He weighed a kilo and gave it to me loose. Take this and put it in your bag,‟ I
was not carrying one so I asked him if he could get one from somewhere. He
thought for a while and then turned to his assistant and said, Run into the
school, the classrooms are still open. There will be a big red book there, with
thick pages. Tear out one page and get it. Before I could stop him the boy had
run into the school. Soon he came back holding a colourful leaf and I was handed
my groundnuts in it. I looked closely at the leaf and realised that it was from one
of the atlases which I had gifted to the school some months back. I was shocked.
Why did you tear the page from this book? I asked.
The man said, some lady gives these books free to the school. The paper is nice
and thick, so we use it sometimes for wrapping things.
I was shocked. Sadly I looked at the leaf which bore the seal of our foundation
Since then I decided to change my policy with regards to extending monetary
help to the needy. I decided to give only part help henceforth.
Complete the following statements by selecting the most appropriate options
from the ones given below:
(a) The narrator distributed atlases in schools because __________ .
Page 2 of 10
(i) she wanted all children to know the locations of different places in
the world and the planet earth.
(ii) she could not afford to buy an atlas when she was a child.
(iii) she thought books were the best gift one could give to children.
(iv) atlases had colourful and thick leaves.
(b) The author says before she could stop him the boy had already run into
the school. She wanted to stop him because __________ .
(i) she decided to put the groundnuts in her handbag.
(ii) she was in a hurry and she felt the boy would take long to fetch the
(iii) she realised at once that the boy would tear leaves from a book
which was not a good habit.
(iv) she felt that the boy would be punished if he was caught stealing.
(c) The author changed her mind with respect to extending full help to the
poor and the needy. What made her change her mind was that
(i) she felt that the poor would become lazy if they got into the habit
of getting everything free.
(ii) she was a strict disciplinarian and did not like to spoil their habits.
(iii) she felt that any gift given totally free of cost lost its value even
amongst the most needy.
(iv) instead of giving help she thought it was better to give the poor
people suitable jobs instead.
(d) The word irresistible‟ in the passage means:
(i) cheap (ii) beautiful
(iii) precious (iv) tempting
(e) The lady and the groundnut seller reacted differently to the tearing of the
leaves from the atlas. The statement which best describes their reactions
is :
(i) Both were happy that their respective problems were solved
(ii) The lady appreciated the resourcefulness of the boy and the
groundnut seller.
(iii) The lady was shocked and clearly unhappy at the misuse of
atlases: the groundnut seller did not see any harm in tearing leaves
from books which had been given free of cost.
(iv) The groundnut seller tore the leaves reluctantly but the lady
assured him that there was no harm in doing it as those books
were donated free of

Subject: English, asked on 21/4/22

Hi i need answer key for this passage 

 Women empowerment refers to making women powerful to make them capable of deciding for themselves. Women have suffered a lot through the years at the hands of men. In earlier centuries, they were treated as almost non-existent. As if all the rights belonged to men even something as basic as voting. As the times evolved, women realized their power. There on began the revolution for women empowerment. 

As women were not allowed to make decisions for themselves, women empowerment came in like a breath of fresh air. It made them aware of their rights and how they must make their own place in society rather than depending on a man. It recognized the fact that things cannot simply work in someone's favour because of their gender. However, we still have a long way to go when we talk about the reasons why we need it. 

Almost every country, no matter how progressive has a history of ill-treating women. In other words, women from all over the world have been rebellious to reach the status they have today. While the western countries are still making progress, third world countries like India still lag behind in women empowerment. In India, women empowerment is needed more than ever. India is amongst the countries which are not safe for women. There are various reasons for this. Firstly, women in India are in danger of honour killings. Their family thinks it's right to take their lives if they bring shame to the reputation of their legacy. Moreover, the education and freedom scenario is very regressive here. Women are not allowed to pursue higher education, they are married off early. The men are still dominating women in some regions like it's the woman's duty to work for him endlessly. They do not let them go out or have freedom of any kind. In addition, domestic violence is a major problem in India. The men beat up their wife and abuse them as they think women are their property. More so, because women are afraid to speak up. Similarly, the women who do actually work get paid less than their male counterparts. It is downright unfair and sexist to pay someone less for the same work because of their gender. Thus, we see how women empowerment is the need of the hour. We need to empower these women to speak up for themselves and never be a victim of injustice.

Choose the most appropriate options to answer the questions;

(a) Women want to be empowered so that...

(i) they can travel alone.
(ii) they can decide for themselves.
(iii) they can dominate their spouses.
(iv) none of the above.

(b) Non-existent means same as...

(i) someone who will not go.
(ii) someone who hate women.
(iii) someone who hate men.
(iv) someone who is not present.

(c) How did women realise the need to be empowered?

(i) They were suffering because of men. 
(ii) Not capable of deciding for themselves.
(iii) No voting rights.
(iv) All of the above.

(d) The expression 'a breath of fresh air' means same as...

(i) they are comfortable breathing.
(ii) they removed the pollutants from the air.
(iii) they experienced a refreshing change.
(iv) all of the above. 

(e) When women were empowered they realised

(i) interdependence
(ii) independence
(iii) oppression
(iv) suspension

(f) The phrase 'a long way to go' implies...

(i) a long journey to reach the empowerment building.
(ii) a lot of hurdles to be overcome to gain empowerment.
(iii) to take the opposite choices which men take, to be victorious.
(iv) to not worry about male gender any more.

(g) Read the two opinions and then choose the right option.

Opinion 1: All countries have history of ill-treating women.

Opinion 2: The western countries never ill-treat their women.

(i) Opinion 1 and opinion 2 are correct
(ii) Only Opinion 1 is correct.
(iii) Only Opinion 2 is correct.
(iv) Opinion 1 and 2 are incorrect.

(h) Women from all over the world have been rebellious to reach their status, they I today. Means ..

(i) women deserve to be ill-treated because they have always been timid.
(ii) women deserve to be ill-treated because they are too wild.
(iii) women have fought for their recognition to be treated the way they are today.
(iv) women are rebellious because they want to dominate men.

(I) Women in India are in danger of 'honour killing" This means...

(i) they are killed because they bring shame.
(ii) they are killed if they marry anyone other than their own caste.
(iii) they are killed because of their legacy.
(iv) they are unsafe so they are killed. 

(j) Domestic violence is a major problem in India.
(i) Women are exploited as if they are their property .
(ii) Women speak too much in their domestic place.
(iii) Women must be disciplined through violence.
(iv) All of the above. 


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