12 3 . 6 ,   23 3 . 1 ,   23 3 . 1   o n   n u m b e r   l i n e 3   o n   n u m b e r   l i n e 8 3   o n   n u m b e r   l i n e

Dear student,
Since you have not mentioned question number so doing as per my understanding.

Show P(1,0) and A(1,1) then OA =2. Using a compass, take radius = OA and cut x-axis at Q Again Take B(2, 1) then OB = 3 Using a compass, take radius = OB and cut x-axis at R The R represents 3.

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I don't clearly know how to solve root sums especially the divison sums. So I am sorry
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I don't clearly know how to solve root sums especially the divison sums. So I am sorry
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