2 mins speech on exams should be banned

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:

- Examinations evaluate how much a child has learned.
- The examination system is planned in such a fashion that it causes a lot of unnecessary stress.
- It is not only the student who gets pressurised to perform well, but also the parent who wishes his child to do better than everybody else.
- It is related to the over importance given to academic excellence even now.
- Examinations confine teachers and students to the syllabus defined at the beginning of the year.
- The fear of failure and poor performance gives them nightmares.
- Examinations encourage only rote memory and are not a true test of ones knowledge, potential and ability.

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Here are tips which you might want to consult while writing the answer:
- Examination is becoming synonymous to a nightmare, stress and depression
- Tutors are appointed, notes, journals and sample papers are purchased, special classes and coaching sessions are arranged, possibly all measures are taken
- Insomnia, anorexia, swollen eyes, etc. are few symptoms of exam fever
- Stress and anxiety interrupts memory and concentration
- Physical exercise and meditation helps students cope up with exam stress
- Since practice makes a man perfect, mock tests are very helpful
- Last but not the least, guardians in the family need to be extremely supportive, encouraging the students to put in their best and making them realise that it is not the end of the world
Hope these helped!
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