2 question

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Dear Student,

The Cu(II) is having one unpaired electron in outer shell exhibits paramagnetic while in Cu(I) outer shell is completely filled with 10 exhibits diamagnetic. In other hand Cu2+ is hard while Cu+ is softer when come to attractive / repulsion, Cu+ is repulsive where Cu2+ is less repulsive as its unpair electron favours the formation of stable molecule hence Cu2+ is more stable than Cu+ instead of their orbital configuration.

The answer is Option (i) Cu(II) is more stable.


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Stability depends on the hydration energy (enthalpy) of the ions when they bond to the water molecules. The Cu2+ ion has a greater charge density than Cu+ ion and thus forms much stronger bonds releasing more energy. The extra energy needed for the second ionization of the copper is more than compensated for by the hydration, so much so that the Cu+ ion loses an electron to become Cu2+ which can then release this hydration energy.
In aqueous solution Cu+ disproportionate to Cu2+ and Cu
2Cu+------>Cu2+ +Cu
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