Dear Student

Calculation of Interest on Capital (for 6 months)  
A (3,00,000 x 5% x 6/12) 7,500
B (2,00,000 x 5% x 6/12) 5,000
C (1,00,000 x 5% x 6/12) 2,500
Total   15,000

Distribution of Profit before adjusting deficiency  
Total Profit    120,000
Less : Interest on Capital   15,000
Remaining profit for Distribution   105,000
A : (1,05,000 x 3/6) 52,500
B : (1,05,000 x 2/6) 35,000
C : (1,05,000 x 1/6) 17,500

C's Share guaranteed by A   30,000
Deficiency  (30,000 - 17,500) 12,500
Deficiency borne by A   12,500
Distribution of profits after adjusting Deficiency  
A : (52,500 - 12,500) 40,000
B :   35,000
C : (17,500 + 12,500) 30,000


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