A boy throws a ball upwards with a speed of 10 m/s. The mass of the ball is 400 gram. 
a) Calculate its weight
b) Initial Momentum of object 

Dear  Student,
                         a) Weight of the ball=mass×accelaration due to gravity=.4×10=4Nb) Initial momentum=mass of ball ×velocity of ball=.4×10=4kgm/s

  • -2
mass=400 gram =400/1000 kg =2/5 kg
initial speed=10 m/sec
weight=mg=2/5 multiply by-9.8=2 multiply by -1.96=-3.92N  so weight of object=3.92N
initial momentum =mu=2/5 multiply by 10=4 kg m/s
  • 0
  • 0
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