a farmer want to dig a well either in the form of cuboidal shape of 1.5m *1.5m* 7mor in the cylindrical shape of radius 75cm and and hieght 7m the rate of digging a well is RS 75per m cube the farmer decided to dig cylindrical form of well 1)calculate the coast to dig the well in both case 2)by the decesion what value is depicted by the farmer?

Volume of cuboid=lbh

Volume of cylinder=πr^2h

Cost=15.75*75/100=RS 11.81(Cuboid)
Cost=12.37*75/100=RS 9.28(Cylinder)

Hence Farmer made a great choice in selecting cylinderical tank as it is less expensive.
  • 19
thanqss so muchhhh
  • 0
If if want the cost to dig the well why will we take out the volume and why not surface area ?
  • 5
Sir i have doubt why shoyld we divide 100 with the cost?????
  • 10
Sir a doubt. Why while calculating volume of cylinder,we have used height as 700/10^6?????
  • 6
bro u dont have to divdie by 100. so the final answers will be cuboid-1181.25rupees
                                                                                                   cylinder- 928.125rupees
  • 4
Thank u
  • 0
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