​A particle is projected from ground at an angle 60 with horizontal at speed of 10root3

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

Let after t time the particle hits the wedge. Then the horizontal distance moved by the wedge more than the particle is,

x=xwed-xpar=103t-103cos 600t=1031-12t=53tSo, the vertical height of the point on the wedge, where the particle hits is,y=x tan 300=53t×13=5tNow, according to Kinematic equation,y=103 sin 600t-12gt2=15t-5t2Therefore,5t=15t-5t25t2=10tt=2 s


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  • 28
10root3 m/s from point A. At the same time a sufficient long wedge is made to move with velocity 10root3 m/s from A. The time at which collision occurs is ?
  • 3
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