A shady plot
Q.1. What is crucial for anyone to give expression to his creativity? How can we attain that single-pointedness of the mind to create beautifully and meaningfully?

Dear Student,
Following are some points that you can elaborate on to frame the answer:
  • Each one of us has qualities and characteristics that sets us apart from others.
  • Giving expression to one’s creativity is a way of finding answers to questions that are most often left unanswered.
  • Questions like what lies within, what should be our principles in life are best answered upon introspection and expression.
  • Purity of purpose, truthfulness and honesty with one’s own self are the virtues to be considered while trying to express creatively.
  • A clear conscience is also important to achieve single-mindedness of the mind.
  • Other things like time management can be learned over time.

  • -2
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