A square dart board is placed in the first quadrant from x = 0 to x = 6 and y = 0 and y = 6. A triangular region on the dart board is enclosed by the lines y = 2, x = 6 and y = 6. Find the probability that a dart that randomly hits the dart board will land in the triangular region formed by these three lines.

Dear Student,

Given : A square dart board placed in first quadrant from x=0 to x=6 and y=0 to y=6. Also, a triangular region on the dart board enclosed by y=x, y=2 and x=6.To calculate : Probability that a dart that randomly hits the board will fall in the triangular regionSolution : let's plot the above situation first.Now in the square dart the required triangular area is ABC Probalility that dart will land in the triangular area =Area of triangleArea of squareProbalility that dart will land in the triangular area=12×(6-2)×(6-2)62=12×4×436=836=29Hence, with a probability of 29 the thrown dart will fall into the triangular area if thrown randomly.

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