a) The school__________at sharp 8'o clock.
b) She ___________ a name of her self in the field of music.
c) We _________________ at the mall before you come.
will be shopping
d) Jeff __________around the world before he reaches France.
will be travelling
e) They _________ three letters already.
f) We ____________her today
haven't seen
g) They ________________ to the mall twice this month.
h) ___________ you ____________ England?
Have, visited
i) They _________ in the field before it started raining.
were playing
j) They _____________ for over four hours before Savita came.
have been talking
k) Jaison was tired because he _______________ .
had been jogging

Dear student 
Please find the answer.

1. The school starts at sharp 8'o clock.
2. She has made a name of herself in the field of music.
3. We will be shopping at the mall before you come.
4. Jeff will be travelling around the world before he reaches France.
5. They have written three letters already.
6. We haven't seen her today.
7. They have gone to the mall twice this month.
8. Have you visited England?
9. They were playing in the field before it started raining.
10. They have been talking for over four hours before Savita came.
11. Jaison was tired because he had been jogging. 


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