After discussing the pros and cons of the two types of schools,can we try to create a situation wherein the best aspects of both the schools are included?Write an article for your school magazine expressing your opinion about the perfect school you dream of.

This question is from The Fun They Had by Isaac Asimov.

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:

- Education is a multifarious concept that aims at the overall development of an individual.
- A perfect school would stress the importance not only of academics but also of curricular activities.
- Teachers there would be like friends, mentors and guides.
- Their loving ad affectionate personal touch would help the students become better human beings.
- At the same time, the school would incorporate the use of technology to enhance learning through audio visual presentations, etc.
-  Modern devices and gadgets would promote learning in a fun way rather than ruling all that is learnt!

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