all we have to fear is fear itself . explain

Dear student,

All we have to fear is fear itself refers to the fact that the greatest obstacle to any kind of work is fear. The fear of failure or of not knowing something are impediments in the path of progress and self-expression. We do not have to fear anything, the only thing we must fear is to harbour such illogical fears. Then there will be no obstacle in our course of progress.


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"All we have to fear is fear itself" from Deep Water by William O. Douglas. ALl terrors and fears are psychological and we can overcome and conquer it, only we have to be determined. The feeling of fear is more fearful than the fear itself. As said in Julius Caesar, Cowards die many times before their death, but the valiant never taste of death but once. The man who could overcome the fear of fear willneverfail in his life.

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