Answer it fast

Answer it fast _H-Kr -rov

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:

- I am ABC, a resident of PQR colony in Allahabad.
- Recently, I visited the local children park near our colony with my niece.
- I was appalled at the poor condition of the park.
- The fence was broken, the swings lay in shambles, there were heaps of garbage everywhere and stray dogs were roaming around freely.
- Children were playing near an open drain that is beside the park.
- there were flies and mosquitoes near the play area in the park.
- the situation is grim as there is no hygiene or sanitation in that area.
- Children are prone to all sorts of infection due to the open drain, garbage heaps, litter.
- It is my humble request that urgent action be taken to change the face of the park: mend the swings and the fence, paint the area and plant some trees.
- The municipal authorities must get the drains covered and garbage heaps cleared.
- Bins should be installed at regular distances so that people may throw the litter in them.
- The Resident Welfare Association of the area has promised all sorts of co-operation and help in this endeavour.

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