Answer the following questions from the given extract

Answer the following questions from the given extract C(CCUO--yv _ _ tYVvs _ _ Qvxcl ca_L.C.s-$ Rack —LO cu

Dear student,

The answers are as follows:
  1. We come to know from the story that Mrs. Packletide was a very greedy and materialistic person. She was also a mean lady who believed in sadistic pleasure. Thus, we find her arranging for a lunch the purpose of which was to make Loona Bimberton feel jealous at her success, name and fame.
  2. She was being honoured because she had gone on an adventure and shot down a ferocious tiger in the woods.
  3. In this luncheon party, Mrs. Packletide planned to gift Loona Bimberton with a tiger brooch.

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