Asap answer

Q.  The following graph shows the variation of stopping potential V1 with the frequency of incidents radiation for two photosensitive metal plates P and Q,
a)  Explain which metal has small threshold wave length.
b)  Explain which metal emits photo electrons having smaller kinetic energy.
c)If the distance between the light sources and metal P is doubled how will the stopping potential change ?

Dear Student,
its the graph of the stopping potential vs frequency of the photon curve.a. both curves cut the x axis . Q cuts ealry then the P.hence the work function for P is greater then Q.since the work function for P is larger the therhold wavelength will be lshorter for P.ϕ=hcλ0  follow this eq .b.for the same stopping potential value the photo electron amitted from the metal P will have lesser KE as their work function is larger.hcλ=ϕ+KE  follow this eqn c. f the distance between them is changed then the intensity will decreases.but the stopping potential only depend upon the work function and the KE of the photoelectron that remain same.hence their will be no chnage in stopping potential values if the source and the metal keeps at larger distance.Regards

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