avoid plastics as far as possible. comment on this topic

ya we shud avoid using plastics as they r non biodegradable.......so they pollute the environment......

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 Disposal of plastic is a major problem as it is a non bio-degradable substance.It causes enviornmental pollution.Burning of plastic releases a lot of poisonous fumes into the atmosphere ,So to avoid thease problems plastics must be avoided as far as possible

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since plastic takes several years to decompose ,it is not environment friendly.It causes environment pollution.Besides, when the synthetic material is burnt it takes along time to get completely burnt.In the process it release alot of poisonous fumes into the atmosphere and causes airpollution.

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avoid plastics as far as possible. comment on this topic

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 Plastics are not environmental friendly as they take several years to decompose. If they are thrown in drainages,they may block the drainage and it may overflow.Animals which eat garbage may eat plastic and it may block its respiratory system.This may cause even their death. If plastics are burnt, they may produce harmful gases and it may cause diseases.

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Plastics are non-biodegradable materials. They take several years to decompose. It is not environment friendly and causes environment pollution. Also burning process of plastics is quite slow. In the process of burning it releases lots of poisonous gas into the atmosphere causing air pollution. Some plastics can’t be recycled and so, it is very difficult to finally dispose off such materials. Polythene bags, carelessly thrown in an eating garbage can cause death for the animals like - cows, dogs etc or sometimes even become a cause for clogging of the drains.
The only solution to get rid of these problems is to reduce the use of plastics. There lies the justification for saying that ‘Avoid plastics as far as possible’.

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Copying from guides?

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smart.plastics take 20 years to decompose and also contain harsh chemicals....,most of the time.also,avoid ALL MADE IN CHINA containers

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plastics take 500 millions of years to decompose

hence they are harmful

many countries has aldready banned the use of plastics

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Search in google.
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Sfgggh V
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We should avoid plastic because plastic produce a gas while burning which caused pollution and harm our ozone layer so we should not burn the plastic bag and on other hand we can use jute bag
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  • Avoid plastic as far as posible. 
  • Plastic takes several years to decomposed.
  • It is not environment friendly.
  • It causes environmental pollution.
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Becoz is not evironmental frndly. It is not recyclable.
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avoide plastic they are not good for our surronding environment
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Plastics are non biodegradable materials.Once they are disposed to the nature they don't dispose or takes several years to get disposed.Plastics are one of the major members in creating environmental pollution.We should not burn it as when they are burnt they release poisonous/ harmful gases which are not good for the organisms around.Plastic bags thrown in the garbage dumps are usually eaten up by cows, buffaloes etc.The plastic bag then chokes there respiratory system which also disturbs the food chain and can be extremely fatal for them.Therefore, we should avoid plastics as far as possible
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Avoid Plastic As Far As Possible Essay. dozen: common mistakes in essay writing and how to avoid them Undergraduate research essays generally suffer from particular problems. This brief document highlights the most common problems and what can be done to avoid such problems. If youressays ends ...
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ope this helps non biodegradable and are a great source of pollution.
if they are not avoided the world will witness a very stanch land or even water bodies can be polluted..
thus killing many aquatic animals,well on land, the story is not that different,herbivores dont identify plastic bags in the grass they eat and therefore choke and die

that's all i know, not copy pasted from the web 

hope this helps
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plastics are non biodegradable and they do no mix with the soil .they emit poisonous gases into the atmosphere
wen burnt. these gases contribute in the depletion of the ozone layer and cause global warming .also they are made from chemicals that are non edible .so if any cattle eats plastic it may die .in india many cattle are dying because of eating plastic wastes mixed with other wastes. we should try to reduce the use of plastic as far as possible .wew should try to avoid using plastic bags . we should use jute bags instead as they are eco-friendly and safe.we can recycle old plastic to make new useful things from them .

hope it helps
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Plastics are non-biodegradable waste and it takes several years to decompose. It is also not environment friendly and causes environmemtal pollution. It does not get completely burnt easily. In the process it releases lots of poisonous fumes into the atmosphere that causes air pollution. That is why we should avoid the use of plastics as far as possible.
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you are absolutely correct because plastic cause soil pollution so avoid plastic
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We should avoid plastics as it chokes animals who by mistake eats it.Drains get blocked by plastics and diseases spread from that place.
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This question is already in the textbook
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Plastic are non biodegradable materials so use of plastic is harmful for our environment. The plastic cannot be finally dispossed off. Plastics should be avoided as far as possible.
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Ans table 3.1

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Plastic or non biodegradable substance once we introduced it to the environment it causes pollution they cannot be burnt easily when we burnt it they releases poisonous gases when we throw plastic bags in garbage these plastic bags are swallowed by animals like cow and they can chowk their respiratory system therefore we should avoid plastics as far as possible
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Plastic is non biodegradable so we should avoid using it
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Yes we should avoid plastic because it harm nature and it has many demerits (disadvantage)such as:

?it does not decompose in soil and thus it releases harmful substances

? if it accumulates in drains the water will not be able to pass their will be blockage in the drainage system and thus it results in over flow of water

? we throw plastics in water and many aquatic animal eats it and as the plastic will not be digested by the organs of aquatic animal it results in painfuk death of aquatic animals .

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Because it burn very easily and it small sticky beads
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Define pathogen
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We should avoid plastic because -
1) Plastic are non - biodegradable. Once introduced into the environment , they take several years to decompose . Plastic cause environmental pollution.
2) They cannot be burnt as when they burnt , they release poisonous gases. Plastic bags thrown in the garbage dump are swallowed by animals like cows . These bags choke their respiratory system and can even prove fatal. Therefore , we should avoid plastics as far as possible.
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we should avoid plastics as far as possible because plastics take several years to get decomposed and it's nature is non-biodegredable

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Hi mate!
Here's your answer:

We should avoid plastics as far as possible because:-
1.Plastic takes many years to decompose and are not environment friendly and causes environmental pollution.
2. It does not burns completely and on combustion, it produces carbon monoxide gas in the atmosphere and may lead to global warming.

Hope it helps you!
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as they are non biodegradable in nature
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Plastic is harmful for living beings. It releases toxic gases when it is burnt. These gases mixes in air and it may cause breathing problem like Aasthama in humans. When it disposed in water bodies like sea and river it contaminates the water and kills the aquatic animals and it cannot be used for drinking.
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This is the answer

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Ya it is obvious
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plastics are not environment friendly and non-biodegradable. when burnt they release harmful gases in the air around us.
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they take several years to decompose it is not environmental friendly and causes different types of environmental problems also burning process of plastic is quite slow in the process of burning it will is lots of poisonous gases into the atmosphere which is causing air pollution some plastic cannot be recycled and so it is very difficult to finally dispose of such materials Polythene bags carelessly thrown in an eating garbage can cause this for the animals like cow dogs at Sector for sometimes we will come a cause for clogging of the drains
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Yes,the above written statement is true.
We should avoid plastics because its process of decomposition is very slow
(i.e.500 to 1000 years).
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This is not going to happen ????????
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It not eco friendly in nature
It non biodegradable
When burnt it releases many harmful gases which can result from global warming and economical disbalances
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We should avoid plastic because:

(1) Plastic are non- biodegradable.
Once introduced into the environment,
they take several years to decompose.
Plastic cause environmental pollution.

(2) They cannot be brunt as when brunt ,
they release poisonous gases.
Plastic bags thrown in the garbage dump are swallowed by animals like cows. These bags choke their respiratory system and can even prove fatal. Therefore, we should avoid plastics as far as possible.

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That is very true
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Avoid plastic live life safely and happyly. Plastuc leads to air polution whic leads to death so avoid it as much as u can use bag made upbof cloth not of plastic
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Yes it is the correct
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Yes we should avoid plastic because plastic is a a material which takes a very long time to decompose in nature humans use plastics in there daily life but plastic is is made from Waste petroleum oil and even other materials plastic is very harmful for the nature and even for nature life example animals birds I mean aquatic animals plastics should be banned this is my thought on the question plastic should be avoided as possible thank you
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Yes you r correct as plastic harms our environment in many ways
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plastic bags get easily picked up by wind and travel long distances by wind and water to pollute the nature. Plastic bag litter has even caused great problems in some areas. ... Unfortunately, such a high level of pollution doesn't come without consequences.
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Plastics are non-biodegradable . Once introduced into the environment, They take several years to decompose. Plastics add to the environmental pollution. They cannot be burnt as when burnt, they releases poisonous gases. Plastic have thrown in the garbage dymb are swallowed by animals like cow. These plastic bags chokes their respiratory system . Therefore, we should avoid plastic as far as possible
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Sinthic finder is a fiber mabe by humans??
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Plastics should be avoided because they are non degradable . They take 50 or more years to degrade. This can be harmful for humans and animals and also responsible for the dead of human and animals. This can be harmful for the soils plants, etc.. As they release harmful toxins. I hope this answer may help you.
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Eau raetar

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yes we should avoid plastic because it cause soil pollution.
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I like to seeypur private part
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These fibres are not found nature they are made of chemical
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yeah ke part mein kaun sa liquid hota hai Kuchh liya mein
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When synthetic fibre come in contact with the fire the first melts and they burn. When they melt and they stick to the body of a person who's wearing it causing much injuring that's why it is not to wear synthetic cloth in the kitchen
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High high
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Aap batao
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Are bhai koi mughe bhi patalo
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stop use plastic
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plastic is very dangerous for us
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Rayons are made of wood pumps chemical prosess
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Plastics should be avoided as far as possible because;-
  • Plans are not degradable. They cannot decompose thus causing pollution.
  • When plastics are burnt they release harmful gases leading to many respiratory diseases.
  • The animals like cows eat plastics discarded by humans thus leading to their death.
  • It clogs the drainage pipes.
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We can use jute bags instead of plastic bags . 
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What are the differences between the climate and the weather or they are same
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avoid plastics as far as possible because when we use plastic bags we throw the any where &thus the soil becomes unfertile.
Cows eat plastic Bags &their digestive system stops thus they ris.
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Plastics unfertile the land.
Cows eat plastic bags thus their digestive system stops & they die
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We should not use plastic because it will cause all types of pollution such air pollution when it is burnt, soil pollution, water pollution and many more. That is why it is always advised to not use plastic whenever possible.
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Avoid the use of plastics as far as possible.
Plastics are non-biodegradable materials. So use of plastics is harmful for our environment. The plastics cannot be finally disposed off.
Thus, plastics should be avoided as far as possible.
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They cannot be decomposed so it will remain on the earth like a waste product.
Thereforw, we should avoid plastics as far as possible.
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Now a days, plastics become very important in our daily life, even though we should avoid them as far as possible as for the following reasons:-
1) Plastics are non-biodegradable and take a lot of time to decompose.
2) Plastics are not eco-friendly. By burning plastics, poisonous fumes are released that cause air pollution.
3) Sometimes cows and other animals may eat plastics present in the garbage which may choke their respiratory system and even cause death.
4) The plastic left in the soil results in the soil pollution.
5) Plastic bags drained into the water bodies cause threat to the aquatic life also.
6) Polybags choke the drains and sewage pipes thus causing a lot of trouble.
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Plastics are non-biodegradable materials. They take several years to decompose. It is not environment friendly and causes environment pollution. Also burning process of plastics is quite slow. In the process of burning it releases lots of poisonous gas into the atmosphere causing air pollution. Some plastics can?t be recycled and so, it is very difficult to finally dispose off such materials. Polythene bags, carelessly thrown in an eating garbage can cause death for the animals like - cows, dogs etc or sometimes even become a cause for clogging of the drains.
The only solution to get rid of these problems is to reduce the use of plastics. There lies the justification for saying that ?Avoid plastics as far as possible?.
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plastics and nonbiodegradable once introduced into the Environment Day take several years to compose plastics at to environmental pollution I cannot burn as when birthday release poisonous gases for plastic back throw in the garbage dump autoload animals like cows
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It is because plastic are not environment friendly
Resons are:
?Plastics take millions of year to decompose
?when we burn plastics it releases lot of harmful gas which pollutes air
?Some time plastic are eaten by animals so it even causes dead of that animal
So we can't avoid plastic besause it is use for many purposes in that cause we avoid plastic as far as possible
For going to buy in supermarkets we take jute bags instead of plastic bags
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Plastics are non-biodegradable materials. They take several years to decompose. It is not environment friendly and causes environment pollution. Also burning process of plastics is quite slow. In the process of burning it releases lots of poisonous gas into the atmosphere causing air pollution. Some plastics can?t be recycled and so, it is very difficult to finally dispose off such materials. Polythene bags, carelessly thrown in an eating garbage can cause death for the animals like - cows, dogs etc or sometimes even become a cause for clogging of the drains.
The only solution to get rid of these problems is to reduce the use of plastics. There lies the justification for saying that ?Avoid plastics as far as possible?.
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Rayon is also called artificial silk
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avoid platic as for as possible  coment on advise
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