Bank reconciliation statement q11

Bank reconciliation statement q11 Rs Ile rexrci'ved an advance of Rs 25,000 with this order. Mohan wants to record it as sale. Is he correct? b. Discuss on the memiws not anticipate profits but for all ,vGheparc a Bank recmciIiatiCM1 statement from the following; particular and shows balarxc as cash Balance as per passbook on Deccmlxr, 21 2014 Overdrawn Rs 20,000. ii Interest on Bank overdraft not entered, in the cash book Rs 2.000. iii. Rs 2(N) Insurance paid hy bank has not tren entered in cash iv_ Cheques drawn in the last week of Decetnber 2014. but cleared till date fcy Rs 3,000 and Rs 3500. v. Chegues deposited into bank on November 2014, but yet to be credited on dated into bank 2014. vi. Wrongly debited by bank Rs Ws Ruchi trader started their cash book With tir following balarres 01, 2014: Cash in hand Rs 1354 and balance at bank Account Rs 7,560. He had the following transactim in 'nonth of 2014, 6 6

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