Break time (recess) at your school is only for a duration of fifteen minutes.Write a letter to your Principal requesting an extension in the break-time from fifteen minutes to half an hour.Give reasons for your request and explain in what way an extended break would make a difference to you as a student. 

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:
- I am ABC. a student of class IX A of your school.
- The recess in our school is for a mere fifteen minutes.
- It becomes a struggle to finish one's tiffin and go to the wash room(if required).
- Playing or chatting with friends is completely out f the question as there is no time left!
- You are requested to extend the recess time to half an hour so that students may take a restful break from studies.
- They will be able to eat their tiffin peacefully, use the washroom if required, play a small game or just relax.
- They can then get back to class feeling easy and comfortable.

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