Calculate the value of angular momentum n=1

Dear student,

Your question is not complete. 
However, I have given the solution as per my understanding.

We are supposed to give the angular momentum for an electron in hydrogen-like atom for shell n = 1.
According to the principle of quantisation of angular momentum, the angular momentum of an electron orbiting in the nth shell of an atom is an integral multiple of h2π., where h is Planck's constant.
The angular momentum is given by mvnrn , m is mass of e- ,vn is its velocity in nth orbit and rn is radius of nth orbit.
  mvnrn  =  n *h2π
Here n =1, so angular momentum is h2π =   6.62 * 10-342π    =   1.054 * 10-34 kg m2/s

Hope it helps you !

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