can someone help in this question(first one will get 200$)

Dear Student,
Sahara desert   Ladakh desert
  1.  Sahara is a hot desert covering a large  part of North Africa.Sahara desert is located in the plain areas having small rocky hills and plateaus with slight elevation. The rocks are devoid of any flora at most of the places
  Ladakh is a cold desert lying in the Great Himalayas,   on the eastern side of Jammu and Kashmir . It is located at a high altitude of 5,000 m  and above.  Only up to a height of 3600 m vegetation is found but  above this height there is a vast expanse of ice only
2. River: It has two permanent rivers Nile and Niger  Indus river is the main river flowing in the region
3.Temperature:Climate is scorching hot and parch dry.  Climate is extremely cold and dry.
4.Average rainfall: less than 1 inch in an year  Average is 4.4 inch in an year
  5. Flora: Cactus, date palms and acacia are the main flora but in some places like oasis, â€‹green islands are found with date palms surrounding them.   Flora: Scanty patches of grasses and shrubs,    Groves of willows and poplar trees with apples,  apricots and walnuts in summers only.
6. Fauna:Camels, hyenas, jackals, foxes, scorpions, many varieties of snakes and lizards.   .Fauna: birds - Robins, redstarts, Tibetan snow  cock, raven and hoopoe. 
 Animals - wild goats and sheep, yak and  special  kinds of dogs.
7.Economic activity : Livestock trade and herding Pastoral farming, keeping livestock
8. Density of population: 1 person per square mile It is 3 per


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