Can the reaction Cr2O72-+H2O⇌2CrO42-+2H+ be considered as a redox reaction

Dear student
Please find the solution to the asked query:

No, the reaction Cr2O72- +H2O  -->  2CrO42- + 2H+
cannot be considered as a redox reaction. In redox reactions one species undergoes oxidation and another undergoes reduction,
This is marked by the changes in oxidation state of the species.
The charge on Cr remains same in both the complexes.
In Cr2O72-, let Cr have a charge +x
then 2x -14=-2, 2x=12, x =+6
In CrO42-, if Cr has a charge x, then x-8 =-2, x =+6

Also, H has +1 charge in both H2O and H+ ion.
So it is not a redox reaction.

Hope this information will clear your doubts regarding the topic. If you have any other doubts please ask here on the forum and our experts will try to solve them as soon as possible.



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