Classify the following salts as neutral,acidic or basic.Also,write their names. (a) Na3PO4 (b) K2CO3 (c) NH4NO3

Dear student,

The acidic, basic and neutral behaviour of the salt depends on the parent 'acids and bases' from which they are made.
So, in this case we have 3 salts i.e. Na3PO4 , K2CO3 and NH4NO3.
  • ​​Na3PO4:
​​​​Acid = H3PO4 (strong)
Base = NaOH (strong)
As this salt has been made from a strong acid and a strong base. Therefore, Na3PO4 is a neutral salt.
  • K2CO3:
Acid = H2CO(weak)
Base = KOH (strong)
As this salt has been made from a weak acid and a strong base. Therefore, K2CO3 is a basic salt.
  • NH4NO3:
​​Acid = HNO3 (strong)
Base = NH4OH (weak)
As this salt has been made from a strong acid and a weak base. Therefore, NH4NO3 is an acidic salt.
Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.

If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible.


  • 5
(a) Na3PO4 is a basic salt 
(b) K2CO3 is a basic salt
(c) NH4NO3 is a acidic salt
  • -2
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