Dear Experts , Please Help in Solving Illustration no.9 With Proper Working Notes 
Dear Experts , Please Help in Solving Illustration no.9 With Proper Working Notes  • ofGaining Ratio: 13127 13 Gaining Ratio of X and Z - 1/27 : 8/27 or 1 : 8 14/27 14 ratio C' 2 10 the ratio Amrit, Amit and Abhav are partners in Mis. 3A Enterprises Sharing profits and lossesin of 3 2 : 2. Abhav has desired to retire from the firm on 1st April, 2012 and desir that his son Ankur be admitted as partner in his place. The Partnership Deed is silenton subject. Amrit and Amit agree to the change, sharing the profits and losses in the same DO you think the Change will be as per law and why? 9 (Nez„ profit -sharing Ratio). A, B and C are partners of 4 : 3 : 1. B retires, selling his share of profits 4 and 4,500 bv C. The profits for the year after B's retirement weret 10,500. are required (i) to necessary Journal entries to record the transfer of B'ssharet0A (ii) to calculate new and distributetheprofitsbetweenAandC.A i ad C bring the necessarv cash. Solution: Particulars A's Capital ('s Capital JOURNAL L.F. Dr.@) ct.«v 3,600 (Being B's share of goodwill credited to him by debiting phing partners in ther gaining ratio of 4 : S) Cash Alc

Dear Student,

Since old ratio was 4:3:1 & B retires selling his share to A & C for Rs 3,600 & Rs 4,500 respectively which implies gaining ratio is 4:5 of 3:8
Thus, A's gain = 38×49=1272
and C's gain = 38×59=1572
So, new ratio for A = 48+1272=4872
new ratio for C = 18+1572=2472
Thus, new ratio is 48:24 or 2:1

Journal entries :

Date  Particulars  LF  Amount (in Rs)  Amount (in Rs)
   A's Capital A/c  Dr  3,600  
   C's Capital A/c  Dr  4,500  
       To B"s Capital A/c      8,100
   (B's share of profit sold to A & C in the ratio of 4:5)      
   Cash A/c  Dr  8,100  
        To A's Capital A/c      3,600
        To C's Capital A/c      4,500
   (Cash brought in by existing partners)      
   Profit & Loss Appropriation A/c  Dr  10,500  
       To A's Capital A/c      7,000
       To C's Capital A/c      3,500
   (Profit after B's retirement  distributed among A & C in new ratio of 2:1)      



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