Dear experts plz reply fast...
What are the skeletan equation of these ionic equations?...nd plz explain with one example how to convert skeletan eqn into ionic form..

Dear experts plz reply fast... What are the skeletan equation of these ionic equations?...nd plz explain with one example how to convert skeletan eqn into ionic form.. (6) F is more electronegative than anu whereas chlorides and bromides are covalent. It is due to similar ionic size which is due to lanthanoid contraction, they resemble in their properties. 26. A solution or KMnO, on reduction yields either a colourless solution or a brown precipitate or a green solution depending on pH of the solution. What different stages of the reduction do these represent and how are they carried out? IHOTSI Ans. Oxidising behaviour of KMnO, depends upon pH of solution. Different compounds with different colours are fornied at different PH. Mn04- + + 5e- Mn2* < 7) MnO,- + e- (in basic medium, pH > 7) In neutral medium Mno,- + 2H20 + 3e- Mn02 + (PH = 7) Brown '27. Identify A to E and also explain the reactions involved. cuco, heat With Cus milky

Dear student

The skeletal equations for ionic reactions are not written normally.


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