Describe the Modern Period in Indian History

Dear student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query.

The following points may help you-
  • The British period was termed as modern period by the historians.
  • The modern period is also known as colonial period as during this this period the British exploited our country to great extent .This period changed our traditional society to modern one.
  • The modern period is associated with growth and progress.
  • Railways were introduced in this period.
  • western education was introduced.
  • During this period technological developments were also introduced for increasing production.
  • Vernacular press act was also introduced.
  • These developments bought modernisation during the colonial period.
Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.
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This combination of epoch events totally changed thinking and thought in the early modern period, and so their dates serve as well as any to separate the old from the new modes.

As an Age of Revolutions dawned, beginning with those revolts in America and France, political changes were then pushed forward in other countries partly as a result of upheavals of the Napoleonic Wars and their impact on thought and thinking, from concepts from nationalism to organizing armies.[31][32][33]

The early period ended in a time of political and economic change as a result of mechanization in society, the American Revolution, the first French Revolution; other factors included the redrawing of the map of Europe by the Final Act of the Congress of Vienna[34] and the peace established by Second Treaty of Paris which ended the Napoleonic Wars.[35]

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The modern era includes the early period, called the early modern period, which lasted from c. 1500 to around c. 1800 (most often 1815). Particular facets of early modernity include: The Renaissance.
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