Differentiate between a) chromatin and chromosome and chromatid b) diffusion and osmosis c) hypotonic and hypertonic d) nucleus and nucleoid e)plant and animal cell

Dear student,
a)Chromatin is the complex thread like structure found in the nucleus of the cell and is made up of specific macromolecules like DNA, RNA, and proteins. The function of the chromatin is to pack the DNA into a specific structure compact and denser in shape, to help in cell division and to control the replication of the DNA.

The chromosome is derived from the Greek word in which chroma means colour and soma means the body.They are easily stained with various dyes to be seen under the microscope. The chromatin fibres in the cell condense to form the chromosome which is made by the 
partly of DNA or contain all the genetic material stored in it. The chromosome are clearly visible in the metaphase stage when the cell is dividing.

Chromatid are the identical thread like 
structure of the chromosome which contains the genetic material DNA.They are also refeered as the one half of the two identical strands of the replicated chromosome.

b)Diffusion is the movement of the solute molecules and osmosis is the movement of the solvent molecules
.In osmosis, the molecules move from lower concentration of the solute to the higher concentration of the solute through a semipermeable membrane.In diffusion, molecules move from the higher concentration of solutes to the lower concentration and does not require any semipermeable membrane.

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When the chromosome is young it is called chromatin and later it is called chomosome
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When chromosome Is young it is called chromatid
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a) chromatin are entangled mass of thread .Chromosomes are thread like structures responsible for carrying genetic material.
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b)The movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to low concentration to make a balance is diffsion.
Whereas the spontaneous movement of molecules(liquid) from a region of high concentration to low concentration through a semi permeable membrane is osmosis.
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c)Hypotonic is a dilute solution which contains more amount of solvent(water) and less amount of soluble(sugar & salt) materials.
Whereas hypertonic is a type of concentrative solution which contains less solvent(water)and more amount of soluble (sugar & salt)materials.
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