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Types of sentences

Declarative sentence
A declarative phrase makes a declaration, states a fact, explains something, or transmits information. Declarative statements are another term for these kinds of phrases. The most prevalent sentence type in the English language is a declarative statement. The present tense is used in declarative sentences, and they generally conclude with a period. The subject is usually placed before the verb in a sentence.
Example –
  • We own a dog.
  • This is my favourite book.

Imperative sentence
A direct demand, request, invitation, warning, or instruction is expressed in an imperative phrase. There is no subject in imperative sentences; instead, an instruction is conveyed to an assumed second person.
  • Turn right at the bridge
  • Give me the book

Interrogative sentence
A sentence that asks a question is referred to as an interrogative sentence. A statement written in the interrogative form can be direct or indirect, contain yes/no interrogatives, alternative questions, or tag questions, and start with or without pronouns. Frequently, interrogative phrases begin with interrogative pronouns and conclude with a question mark.
Where is the cat?
Where do you live?

Exclamatory phrases, also known as exclamation sentences or exclamatory clauses, are statements that exhibit intense passion. Exclamatory phrases often conclude with an exclamation mark (also known as an exclamation point) in English grammar. While exclamatory phrases are suitable in casual situations, they should be avoided in official writing, especially academic writing.

  • How well she dances!
  • We won the competition!


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